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Washington, D.C. - The Senate approved legislation Friday that could mean a new storm water drainage system, improved family housing and wind generators for renewable energy at F. E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, according to Senators Craig Thomas and Mike Enzi, both R-Wyo.

The Senate approved the Military Construction Appropriation Bill by a vote of 91-0 Friday morning. Thomas and Enzi asked Senate appropriators to include money for F.E. Warren's drainage system because the City of Cheyenne lies directly downstream from the base and flood water has been a worry.

The appropriations bill includes $10 million for the first phase of the storm water drainage project.

"We've sought this funding to help the base fulfill its important mission and because the current drainage system is not adequate to protect the city of Cheyenne," the senators said. "It may not seem as important in dry years, but in the mid 1980s a dozen people were killed because of the drainage problems. Flooding could happen again. The base and city need to be prepared."

Also included in the $9.2 billion appropriations bill is nearly $5.4 million for construction improvements of 265 family housing units at F.E. Warren.

The bill includes $69.5 million for the Energy Conservation Investment Program, some of which will be used to purchase wind generators for F.E. Warren. The Department of Defense has estimated that up to $420 million in energy costs nationwide could be saved as a result of the program.

The Senate Military Construction Appropriations Bill includes money for such items as barracks construction, child development centers, overseas military construction and other projects.

The House passed its own version of the bill June 26. It contains about the same amount of funding as the Senate bill. Before the bill goes to the President for signature, the Senate bill must be reconciled in conference with the House bill.
