Rep. Capuano, Senators Kennedy and Kerry Secure Funding for Local Projects

December 20, 2001 -- Rep. Michael Capuano, Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John Kerry secured funding for five important local projects related to health care and technology education. The money was included in the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education appropriations bill for the 2002 fiscal year.

The Fenway Community Health center will receive $800,000 to expand its HIV prevention, mental health and substance abuse programs.

The Dimock Community Health Center will receive $200,000 to continue renovations of the Sewell Building, which houses inpatient detoxification facilities and a behavioral health unit. Dimock serves thousands of families each year, regardless of their ability to pay.

Casa Myrna Vazquez will receive $350,000 to refurbish its domestic violence center. CMV is the largest provider of comprehensive services to battered women and children in New England, sheltering nearly 100 people daily in five shelter programs. 60% of CMV's guests are children, most of whom are under the age of five. CMV's counseling, legal and education programs reach thousands more.

Jobs for Youth will receive $500,000 to expand its local pilot program, which strengthens and supports classroom instruction in schools. Jobs for Youth uses technology to provide basic literacy and job skill training to youths and adults who lack the skills to participate in an information-based economy.

Emmanuel College will receive $850,000 to improve classrooms and technology for teacher training programs. The College offers educational opportunities to all students, regardless of their financial circumstances.

"This funding will advance a number of important health care and technology education initiatives in the Boston area. It is directed toward enhancing mental health programs for persons suffering from HIV/AIDS, assisting children who have been traumatized by domestic violence, increasing access to technology and much more. I thank Senators Kennedy and Kerry, as well as my colleagues in the House, for their commitment to securing these funds," said Congressman Mike Capuano.

"We are fortunate to have a wealth of outstanding educational and medical institutions," Senator Kennedy said. "I'm pleased that we were able to obtain these funds, so that they can maintain their excellence and national prominence."