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Washington, D.C. – Interns in U.S. Senator Mike Enzi's, R-Wyo., Washington, D.C. office not only return home with pictures and memories, but experiences that will last a lifetime.

"I didn't come to D.C. with any expectations," said recent Enzi intern Maggie Davis of Gillette. "Everything was so new I didn't know what to expect."

Davis, a senior majoring in communication at the University of Wyoming, worked in Enzi's press office writing news releases, taking constituent photos, managing press lists and performing other media related activities.

Davis, who plans to move to Austin, Texas after graduation to look for opportunities in public relations, said her real-world experience brought her classroom studies to life.

"After taking communication classes at UW I realized I was more prepared for the job than I thought. My responsibilities reflected what I had learned in class," said Davis.

The daughter of Tom and Renee Davis of Gillette, Davis said her internship was a good experience that gave her many new opportunities.

"The most memorable moment of my internship was seeing Vice President Cheney preside over the Senate," said Davis. "That doesn't happen often and it was really amazing to witness. Overall, I really enjoyed working in Senator Enzi's office. It's a real team effort and it's great to see that the senator is a part of it all. He's not just the leader, he's involved. Everyone works together to get the information needed to get the job done."

Individuals interested in a fall internship in Washington, D.C. should contact Enzi's Washington, D.C. office at 202-224-3424 or by sending a letter to either or: Senator Mike Enzi, Attn: Internship Coordinator, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510. The application is also accessible online at .
