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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., was honored with a "Friend of the Shareholder" award recently in recognition of his strong support for the investment community.

Enzi, the ranking member of the Securities and Investment Subcommittee of the Senate Banking Committee, was presented with the award from the American Shareholders Association (ASA) for consistently voting on issues important to investors.

Enzi scored a 100 percent rating from the ASA for supporting, among other proposals, a $1.3 trillion tax cut and for voting against the use of Social Security and Medicare surpluses for debt reduction.

"Mike Enzi's score shows an avid dedication to protect Wyoming investors, which is especially critical during this time of declining consumer and investor confidence," said Daniel Clifton, Executive Director of the ASA.

The ASA awards members of Congress who score at least an 86 percent by voting favorably on important legislative issues to investors such as trade, taxes and Social Security.

The ASA is a non-profit organization designed to educate U.S. stockholders about legislation affecting investors.