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Budget and Spending

Budgeting is the most basic responsibility of any institution, whether it is for a family, a business, or government. This has never been truer than today, as our nation's finances are in a grave state.

With a national debt of more than $20 trillion, this is a crisis that threatens the prosperity and opportunity for future generations of Americans. 

Defense and National Security

One of the primary responsibilities of the United States government is to provide for the common defense, as established in the Constitution. 

Economy and Jobs

Across the Second District and our nation, the economy and jobs remain the top concerns for American families. For too many years, Washington cultivated an environment of high taxes, overregulation, and crippling debt that sidelined capital and hurt job creation throughout our economy.


The St. Louis region is home to some of the best K-12 education options in America—this includes private schools, public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, online academies, and homeschooling. A good education is the foundation for a prosperous and secure future, and a student’s future should not be limited by their zip code or household income.


Due to the ongoing development of our domestic resources, the United States is closer to becoming energy independent. For too long, we have relied on oil imports and watched as Americans were forced to pay increasing prices at the gas pump.

Financial Services

I have the distinct privilege of serving on the United States House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, which oversees the nation’s financial industry including banking, insurance, capital markets, and housing. In the 115th Congress, I have the honor of serving on both the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities, and Investment and the S

Foreign Affairs

As a former United States Ambassador, I saw firsthand what strong ties with our allies and partners mean to an enhanced national security, free and fair trade, the protection of American interests abroad, and the promotion of democracy and human rights.


America has one of the most generous immigration systems in the entire world. As your representative, I advocate for fixing our broken immigration system to make our country safe, secure, and prosperous. I believe in strong border security and believe that state and local law enforcement should cooperate with federal immigration authorities to ensure that our laws are respected and enforced.

Protecting Life

Protecting the unborn is one of my most precious duties as a member of Congress. I believe that life from conception to natural death is our greatest gift--and a gift that our country far too often takes for granted. One of my very first trips to Washington, D.C., was to take part in the annual march from the St. Louis Arch to the U.S. Capitol in support of the sanctity of life.

Second Amendment

As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, the individual right to own a gun is very important to me. I believe that our Founding Fathers meant for all law-abiding citizens to have the right to bear and maintain firearms. Whether it is for hunting or marksmanship, firearms are an integral part of American sportsmanship and recreation.


Maintaining our nation’s roads, bridges, railways, waterways, and runways is critical to economic prosperity and global competitiveness.

Veterans Issues

As a proud Army mom and the daughter of a Korean War veteran, I hold the men and women who serve in our great nation’s armed forces in the highest regard. As your representative in Congress, I am committed to ensuring our veterans receive quality health care and the benefits they have earned.