Congressman Scott Peters

Representing the 52nd District of California

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Legislative Accomplishments

Defense/National Security

Opposing Trump’s Travel Ban

In 2017, Scott led 70 colleagues in a letter to the Department of Justice requesting answers on how President Trump’s travel ban was crafted and whether federal agencies weighed in on the policy. The letter scrutinizes the Trump Administration for reckless implementation of a travel ban based on misguided, discriminatory assumptions that do not make San Diegans any safer. Our rigorous vetting processes, which often take years to complete even for women and children, are the reason we don’t have to choose between security and being a haven for those seeking freedom and prosperity in America.

Improving Access to Reliable Energy

In 2015, Scott offered and helped passed an amendment to the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2015 requiring the Department of Energy to adopt alternative forms of energy, ensuring we have sufficient energy storage in the event of a natural disaster. San Diego businesses are developing alternative forms of energy storage—like solar storage—that can help increase our resiliency in the event of disasters, like wildfires. Scott’s amendment ensured the Department of energy and cities vulnerable to natural disasters, like San Diego, are best prepared to avoid the economic and social consequences of an energy crisis.

Alternative Energy Savings

In 2015, Scott offered an amendment that passed with the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act, requiring the Department of Energy to report on projects that turn greenhouse gas emissions into usable energy and help expand energy saving technology nationwide. MCAS Miramar successfully captured methane produced by the Miramar landfill and turned it into usable energy for MCAS Miramar and the surrounding area. It was the first project to provide alternative energy sources for the base and a successful example of San Diego innovation. Their investment in renewable energy technology helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect against threats to our energy supply from extreme weather to cyber-attacks and can be a model for the rest of the country, thanks to Scott’s amendment.

Expanding Missile Defense Partnerships

In 2015, Scott offered and passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to show Congressional support for expanding our missile defense cooperation with Israel. Strategic partnerships with our allies in the Middle East are vital to all of our safety and security. Through his role on the Armed Service Committee, this amendment is one way Scott worked to ensure the safety of our country and our families through a solid relationship with our allies is key to that security.

Innovative Nuclear Research

In 2015, Scott offered an amendment that passed with the National Defense Authorization Act, allowing for nuclear fusion innovation. San Diego companies and researchers are developing nuclear technologies that can give our military more reliant and resilient energy sources, like nuclear fusion that can power more efficient and reliable ships for the Navy. Scott’s amendment will help accelerate a carbon free, safe form of energy, developed by San Diego businesses.                                                                                                                                          

Coastal Campus Funding

Scott helped secure funding for the construction of Coastal Campus Coronado, a new training facility for the Navy SEALs, in the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act.  As co-chair of the Special Operations Caucus, Scott understands improving training facilities for Coronado’s Navy SEALs also expands San Diego’s role in national defense and creates jobs in our region.

MCAS Miramar Funding

In 2016, Scott successfully fought to accelerate funding for the construction of new aircraft hangars at MCAS Miramar in the National Defense Authorization Act. MCAS Miramar is home of one F-35 squadrons on the West Coast. With F-35s arriving sooner than expected, it was critical to accelerate construction of new hangars at Miramar. Scott’s success in getting construction funding also brought jobs to San Diego sooner.

Camps for Children of Military Families

In 2015, Scott proposed an amendment that passed with the National Defense Authorization Act, authorizing the Department of Defense to provide funding to the children of military households affected by substance abuse. Supporting the families of our service members and veterans is part of supporting those who served. Sadly, the rate of suicide and substance abuse among these homes continues to be high. While we work to stop substance abuse and suicide, we also need to take steps to support the families hurt by these tragedies.

Veterans Network of Support

Howard and Jean Somers tragically lost their son Daniel in 2013 when he committed suicide after leaving the military. The Somers felt they could have prevented this tragedy if they knew how to better support Daniel’s transition from active duty to civilian life. After hearing their story, Scott proposed language that expressed support for the Department of Defense doing more proactive outreach to families of servicemembers to keep them informed of what their loved ones are experiencing, so they can be better equipped to support servicemembers when they come home. The language was included in the Committee report on the defense policy bill.

Port Chicago

In 2016, Scott offered an amendment in the Armed Services Committee that passed with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) directing the Navy to investigate mutiny charges that arose from the 1944 deadly explosion at Port Chicago. In 1944, a group of African American sailors stationed at Port Chicago (California) Naval Magazine was convicted for mutiny, but widespread publicity raised questions about the fairness and legality of the court proceedings. Scott’s amendment helped get these sailors one step closer to justice.

Supporting DOD Energy Goals

In 2016, Scott offered an amendment that passed in the House Armed Services Committee urging the Department of Defense to report on the effectiveness of its energy strategy and sustainability office. Energy security is national security and enabling the military to diversity their energy supply will help improve combat readiness. San Diego is a model for energy innovation that helped launch two major renewable energy efforts at the DOD; the launch of the Great Green Fleet is the largest renewable energy purchase in Department of Defense history—a joint effort between DOD and Sempra Energy. San Diego is leading in energy diversification and incorporating these efforts into the DOD will ensure military readiness.

Ensuring Small Business Competition for DOD Contracts

In 2014, Scott offered an amendment to the defense policy bill that passed in the Armed Services Committee to reform the DOD’s acquisition process and level the playing field for small businesses. San Diego is home to many innovative companies that support our national defense sector. Scott’s amendment establishes fair competition, so the best ideas, rather than the size or reputation of one of the competitors determines who receives DOD contracts.

Supporting Warfighters and San Diego Jobs

In 2014, Scott offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to allocate funding to purchase eight Poway-manufactured MQ-9 Reapers. Acquiring these unmanned aerial vehicles created jobs for San Diego and provided needed support for our service members by improving our ability to defeat enemies abroad.

Protecting Servicemembers from Financial Abuse

In 2015, Scott offered and passed an amendment to the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvement Act which ensured that the Department of Defense could issue a rule protecting servicemembers and their families from abusive lending practices without facing additional hurdles. San Diego is home to one of the largest military populations in the country and unfortunately, servicemembers and their families are a prime target for abusive lending practices. Scott’s amendment ensures that DOD can take steps to protect military families.

Securing the Iran Deal

In 2016, Scott supported the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which required Iran to dismantle 13,000 of 19,000 uranium-enriching centrifuges and reduce its low-enriched uranium stockpile by 98 percent. The JCPOA was an important strategic component in dealing with Iran by halting Iran’s progress toward developing a nuclear weapon and preventing war.

Economic Adjustment Grant for San Diego

In 2016, Scott helped secure San Diego a $1.8 million economic assistance grant from the Department of Defense (DOD). San Diego was hit hard by the DOD’s adjustment to their defense contracts, so Scott sent a letter to the DOD in support of San Diego’s application for the grant. The grant helped San Diego create jobs and mitigate the redevelopment loss.

Four Straight NDAA’s and NDAA Conferee

Since coming to Congress, Scott has been instrumental in crafting and standing up for San Diego in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), This annual bill provides the framework for our national defense, including how many ships and planes the United States purchases, DOD’s energy investment, and our engagement with both our allies and enemies. In recognition of his leadership in National Defense, Scott was appointed to the committee that negotiates differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill in 2016.

Climate Preparedness for the Military

In 2017, Congress, Scott led a letter to the House and Senate conferees for the FY 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, encouraging them to maintain the House bill language that directs the department to include climate change as a factor for preparation regarding threat assessments, resources, and military readiness for the Department of Defense. This language was included in the final bill. Our military leaders must be able to prepare for all threats and climate change threatens to exacerbate existing challenges and endanger military bases in San Diego, across the country, and around the world.

Acoustic Hailing Technology

In 2015, 2016, and 2018, Scott led the San Diego delegation in the effort to introduce Acoustic Hailing Devices technology into security programs for both national security efforts abroad and at home, through the National Guard. These devices allow our military to communicate across vast distances and during situations where typical communications are shut down, like natural disasters, large crowd events, and barren landscapes. Integrating smart technologies that were developed in San Diego help our servicemembers and support our innovation economy.


Since coming to Congress, Scott has advocated with many letters and votes, for robust shipbuilding and maintenance funding. The FY 2018 NDAA included the largest ever budget for ship building maintenance. Additionally, the budget included funding for the Littoral Combat Ship to remain at a 3 per year production rate, with two shipyards, following a direct request from Scott. Sailors in San Diego do the work to fight the battle during wartime and prepare during peacetime on these ships and Congress needs to do its part to support them.



Veterans Choice

In 2014, Scott offered a motion to the VA Access, Accountability and Choice Act to ensure our veterans receive the quality care they earned. It was credited with breaking the gridlock over the Veterans Choice program. The bill gave veterans more options to access health care, and still be covered by their VA benefits, as a way to address wait and travel times.  It also improved accountability at the VA by making it easier to fire Senior Executive employee;  expanded access to in-state tuition rates at public higher-education for veterans and their families; and expanded counseling care and services to victims of military sexual trauma. Our veterans answered the call to serve our country and it’s our duty to ensure they’re not left behind when they return home. San Diego is home to one of the nation's largest veterans populations and our heroes should not face barriers to getting the healthcare they need.

Veterans Hiring

In 2013, Scott offered and passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to encourage the hiring of veterans for military construction projects. San Diego is home to one of the nation’s largest veterans populations and the Department of Defense is in the process of several major construction projects. As we work to ensure that veterans can find good-paying jobs, the Department of Defense should work with contractors that employ veterans.

Veterans Support

In 2015, Scott helped introduce and pass the Sergeant Daniel Somers Classified Veterans Access to Care Act, a bipartisan bill to improve mental health care for veterans who took part in classified missions during their service. The bill was inspired by Sergeant Daniel Sommers, who suffered from post-traumatic stress and tragically took his own life. Although Daniel sought help at the VA, he was unable to share any classified missions in group therapy sessions. Daniel’s parents―Coronado residents Dr. Howard Somers and Jean Somers―came to share his story and propose solutions to Congress. Now, because of Daniel’s parents’ advocacy and the bipartisan effort to pass the bill, veterans who engaged in classified activities in the course of their service will be able to transition individualized therapeutic treatment if needed.

Support for zero8hundred

In 2014, Scott was instrumental in launching zero8hundred, a unique military transition support program in San Diego. Scott convened military leaders, veterans’ service organizations, and philanthropic groups to create zero9hundred. He also offered and passed language expressing congressional support for private-public partnerships like zero8hundred. Today, Zero8hundred provides a coordinated effort in San Diego to help servicemembers transition from active duty to civilian life.

Mental Health for Veterans and Families and Jobs

In 2015, Scott introduced the Marriage and Family  Therapists for Veterans Act which aligns state and federal guidelines to allow marriage and family therapists certified by regionally accredited programs to be considered for employment at VA medical centers. Similar language was included in the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act that passed the House. San Diego is home to one of the nation’s largest veterans populations and sadly, an average of 22 veterans commit suicide every day. When veterans are struggling, their struggles can also take a toll on their families. The bill helped ensure America keeps its promises to our its veterans by allowing the VA to hire more mental health professionals.

GI Bill Education Benefits

In 2017, Scott introduced and helped pass a bill to ensure all Purple Heart veterans can access their full GI Bill education benefits, regardless of how long they served on active-duty. Previously,  Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits were only available if a veteran completed at least 36 months of active duty service or iwas s medically retired; however, some Purple Heart recipients are honorably discharged before either of those qualifications are attained, making them ineligible for full payments. The bill was included as part of a broader reform package called the “Forever GI Bill.” Purple Heart recipients have made some of the most tremendous sacrifices in service to our nation. They earned full education benefits through their service.

 Appeals Reform

In 2017, Scott helped introduce and pass the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. This bill creates three new pathways for veterans’ appeals process in order to fix the back-log and achieve faster results for new cases. It also allows the VA Secretary to establish a new pilot program to try other appeal options that may help the program move faster. San Diego veterans should not have to wait years on appeals decisions.


Student Loan Repayment

In 2017, Scott introduced bipartisan legislation to incentivize employers help pay their employees’ student loans. The bill has garnered over 100 cosponsors. Scott highlighted the bill at South by Southwest (SXSW) EDU conference to garner national attention and rally support for the bill. The Employer Participation in Student Loan Assistance Act will relieve San Diegans of student debt faster so they can afford to buy a home or save for retirement.



Energy and the Environment


Emissions free Hydropower

In 2017, Scott introduced and helped pass the HYdropower Permit Extension (HYPE) Act, to cut red tape in the construction permitting process for hydropower projects and incentivize greater investments in carbon-free hydropower. Previously, it took an act of Congress to extend construction permits for hydropower projects, even though these projects have already undergone a rigorous approval processes. The bill also grants the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) the authority to give hydropower projects a four-year extension if delays prevent them from beginning construction during the initial permit. Hydropower is an emission-free source of baseload energy that helps decrease America’s reliance on fossil fuels.


Smart Closed-Loop Hydropower

In 2017, Scott was the lead Democrat on the Promoting Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Hydropower Act, which gives closed-loop hydropower projects an expedited process for approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Scott led the effort to craft the final language of the bill which helped it earn the bipartisan support it needed to pass. In San Diego, where large rivers and typical hydropower generation are less common, closed-loop hydropower offers an innovative solution and can have other benefits to the region’s energy and reservoir systems. More electricity from hydropower is key to meeting our clean energy goals, and reducing harmful emissions that pollute our air and water and contribute to climate change.


Funded Cutting-Edge Ocean Research

In 2018, Scott supported many successful efforts to enhance ocean research in San Diego. His advocacy led to a funding level of $5.9 billion for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which was a $233.9 million higher than the FY2017 enacted level. Scott also championed a bipartisan effort to secure $42.8 million for a crucial National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program to improve weather forecasting and prepare for natural disasters. San Diego is home to Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, a world leader in most cutting-edge ocean research.


Global leader on climate change

In 2017, Scott was a featured speaker at a conference of world climate experts convened by Pope Francis in Vatican City and the sole representative from the United States Congress.  In his remarks, Scott reflected on the divisive politics of climate change in the United States. The notion of addressing climate change used to be bipartisan, but the divisive state of American politics has caught up to the issue. With President Trump determined to undermine all of the progress on climate achieved by President Obama, local governments and leaders around the world need to act on the existential threat of climate change.




Blocked the Misguided, So-Called Innovation Act

In 2014 and 2015, Scott led the opposition to the Innovation Act which threatened small innovators by making drastic, sweeping changes to the patent system. Colleges and Universities, medical researchers, and inventors all opposed the bill because of the chilling effect it would have on investment in innovation. In 2015, Scott was credited as having been instrumental in preventing the bill from moving forward after he led a letter signed by a bipartisan group of 78 Members of Congress. San Diego is home to a unique innovation ecosystem that drives research breakthroughs, leads to new cures and treatments for our most perplexing diseases and illnesses, and results in new technology for both consumers and the Department of Defense. The changes proposed by the Innovation Act threatened to turn our innovation ecosystem inside out, stifle investment in new discoveries, and put small inventors at a disadvantage when large, established companies steal their ideas.


R&D Tax Credit

Since coming to Congress, Scott has been a vocal advocate for extension of the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit. The R&D Tax Credit provides an incentive for businesses to invest in innovation. At the end of 2015, Scott supported passage of an omnibus appropriations bill that made the R&D tax credit permanent, eliminating uncertainty for businesses and providing a true incentive for innovation. San Diego is home to some of the country’s most innovative companies. Congress has a bad habit of extending tax credits after they have already expired. This is not an incentive for new innovation.


Protecting Qualcomm from a Hostile Takeover

In 2018, Scott raised serious concerns over the national security implications of the proposed takeover of San Diego’s Qualcomm by Broadcomm, a Chinese company. He wrote a letter to Secretary of Commerce Mnuchin requesting that the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence provide a classified report for Congress assessing whether Qualcomm’s global leadership in the development of 5G technology . Scott also requested a review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), should the deal move forward. The Trump administration heeded Scott’s call and prevented the merger. Congress must ensure the intellectual property of U.S. companies, particularly when involved with future competitive development like 5G, are protected. 




Delayed Medical Device Tax

Since coming to Congress, Scott has been a vocal opponent of the Medical Device Tax which stifles both innovation and job growth in San Diego and around the country. In each session, he helped introduce the Protect Medical Innovation Act which would repeal the tax established by the Affordable Care Act. At the end of 2015, a two-year delay of the tax was included in legislation to fund the government. San Diego’s innovation ecosystem results in new, innovative devices and treatments that make it easier to care for individuals with historically difficult diseases and illnesses. The Medical Device Tax has slowed growth in our Medical Device Industry leading to fewer jobs and less investment in our community.


NIH Funding

Since coming to Congress, Scott has been a vocal advocate for increasing funding for NIH. In 2013, he led a group of his colleagues on a tour of NIH so they could learn about the important work being done there. He has sent numerous letters to Congressional Appropriators and supported the 21st Century Cures Act which, for the first time, provided $1.75 billion in mandatory spending on NIH supported innovation. This is in addition to more than $8 billion in annual authorizations for NIH’s research activities. San Diego’s unique Innovation Ecosystem depends on federal investment in basic scientific research through NIH and other federal agencies.

Stabilizing the individual marketplace

In 2017, Scott introduced H.R 4695 The Bipartisan Market Stabilization and Innovation Act, which would stabilize the individual marketplace and bring down health care costs for millions. As a member of the Problem Solvers’ Caucus. Scott has been leading the effort to get bipartisan agreement on healthcare reform. San Diego has the fourth largest homeless population in the US. Repealing the ACA would have a serious impact on the most vulnerable among who rely on Medicaid for quality healthcare.

Reauthorized funding for community health centers

Scott led a letter to House Leadership calling on them to reauthorize the Community Health Center Fund for two years. The Community Health Center Fund represents 70 percent of federal grant funding for health centers that provide care for poor and underserved communities in every state. Community health centers play a critical role in San Diego by providing quality medical and mental health care to millions of San Diegans every year.

Prevented cuts to hospitals that provide care to low-income patients

Scott successfully fought to delay cuts to Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments by at least two fiscal years. Medicaid DSH payments allow hospitals to treat low-income and uninsured patients, especially in rural areas. The payments are especially important to rural hospitals, which often face added financial burdens. It is crucial that hospitals everywhere have the resources to continue caring for the most vulnerable Americans.

Supported the training of future pediatric doctors and specialists

In the 115th Congress, Scott led efforts to reauthorize essential health programs. He helped secure $315 million for Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME), a $15 million (5 percent) increase over FY 2017 to support the training of future pediatricians and pediatric specialists.

Supported new and expanded primary care, medical and dental residency programs

In 2017, Scott urged the Energy and Commerce Committee to support renewing federal funding for Teaching Health Centers (THCs). His efforts helped secure funding for the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME), which will provide existing grantees with per resident amount of $150,000.


Life Sciences

Advancing biomedical research

In 2017, Scott successfully fought to increase NIH funding to a total of $37 billion—a record high, even when adjusting for inflation. The amount includes $500 million extra to address opioid addiction and $414 million extra for Alzheimer's disease research. Scott has been a tireless advocate for federal investment in basic scientific research.


Finding cures for rare diseases

In 2018, Scott introduced the Advancing Access to Precision Medicine Act to provide children with rare diseases access to genetic and genomic testing. On February 27th, Scott hosted a briefing, “Changing Lives for Children with Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases,” on the ways that whole genome sequencing can provide more rapid and accurate diagnosis and treatment options for children with rare diseases. San Diego is home to world-class research institutions that are bringing life-saving treatments to children and families around the country. Scott has been their champion since coming to Congress.


Supporting a Growing Algae industry

In 2018, Scott introduced the bipartisan Algae Agriculture Act of 2018, which will ensure algae is eligible for the same investment opportunities as other agricultural sectors. As one of four co-chairs of the Congressional Algae Caucus, Scott has long-supported research in algal biofuels technology. He championed the successful effort to fund carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies through the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) and Office of Fossil Energy (FE). UC San Diego is leading the way in algae biotechnology research, which promises to change the way that we produce fuel and food.



Homelessness Funding Formula

Since coming to Congress, Scott has worked tirelessly to get the Department of Housing and Urban Development to reopen their Continuum of Care homelessness funding formula for public comment. Despite having one of the nation’s largest homeless populations, San Diego doesn’t receive the homelessness funding it needs. Scott sent multiple letters, hosted Secretary Castro in both San Diego and DC, and finally offered and passed an amendment to the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act that required HUD to reopen the formula. Ultimately, in July 2016, HUD reopened the formula for public comment and included four new proposals, each of which would result in increased funding for San Diego.


Effective Distribution of Homelessness Assistance

In 2016, Scott introduced and helped pass the Housing Assistance Efficiency Act, which allows non-profits to directly administer homelessness assistance grants to those who need it. This eliminates a bureaucratic step that required non-profits to connect homeless individuals with federal agencies to receive aid rather than administer the aid directly to those who need it. Ultimately, the language was included in the Highway Trust Fund Reauthorization and is now law. San Diego non-profits do important work in support of our homeless community. Scott’s bill allows them to expand and improve their efforts to support people directly.




Anti-discrimination in contracting

In 2017, Scott offered and passed an amendment to the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Act that ensured that companies doing business with the Federal government are not able to discriminate against their LGBT employees. San Diegans know that who you are or who you love should not result in discrimination.


Transgender Servicemembers

In 2017, Scott offered an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act that would bar funds from being used to implement President Trump’s ban on transgender folks serving in the U.S. military. Trump’s ban has been blocked by courts and transgender people can enlist in the military as of the beginning of this year. San Diegans trust military leaders on this topic: any qualified servicemembers should be able to serve, no matter their gender identity.




Government Accountability


End Unnecessary Government Printing

In 2015, Scott introduced the Unnecessary Government Printing Reform Act that would put an end to wasteful government printing. Similar language was included in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act and was passed. San Diegans are fed up with government inefficiency and waste. Scott’s bill saves paper and government resources.  

Getting Russia Out of U.S. Elections

In 2017, Scott voted for legislation that directed the President to impose new sanctions on Russia for meddling in the U.S. 2016 elections. The bill became law, but the President missed the January deadline to impose these sanctions, so Scott sent a letter inquiring upon the delay. Days later, the President released sanctions on Russia. Congress must act to protect its republic and the sanctity of its elections. These sanctions remind President Putin and other nefarious leaders who seek to impose their influence that punishment will be administered.




Trade Promotion Authority

In 2015, Scott was one of only 28 House Democrats to support passage of Trade Promotion Authority, the procedural mechanism that allowed the Administration to complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. San Diego’s economy depends on international trade. In order to remain globally competitive, the United States must reduce barriers to its exports and keep China from setting the rules for the Asia Pacific.


Export-Import Bank Reauthorization

Since coming to Congress, Scott has been a vocal supporter of reauthorizing the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank of the United States. The Ex-Im Bank provides small businesses in San Diego and around the country with guidance and financing that allows them to do business in foreign countries. In both 2014 and 2015, Scott was a supporter of legislation to reauthorize the bank, and was proud to help pass reauthorization in 2015. Between 2011 and 2016, the Export-Import Bank has supported nearly $2.5 billion in exports from businesses in the 52nd District. 



Gun Safety

Reading Names and Letters

Shortly after Scott was elected in 2012, 20 children were tragically and inexplicably shot and killed when a mentally-ill teenager opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School. Since then, Scott has made getting a vote on gun safety legislation a priority. In 2013, 2015, and 2017 he cosponsored the bipartisan Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act to expand background checks and, in 2015, he cosponsored the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act to close a loophole that allows individuals on No Fly Lists to purchase weapons.

Frustrated with inaction from Republican leadership, Scott took to the floor and began reading the names of gun violence victims since Sandy Hook. Following the tragic school shooting in Parkland, FL, he cosponsored a ban on assault weapons, which are weapons of war that do not belong on our streets or in our schools. Scott also amplified constituents’ voices by reading letters asking Congress to act on gun safety measures.

Broadcasting the Sit-in

In 2016, Congressman and civil rights hero John Lewis led a Democratic sit-in protest on the House floor to fight back against Republican leadership’s obstruction of gun safety legislation. House Republican leadership turned off the cameras in the House Chamber to keep the American public from witnessing the sit-in. Scott felt that the American public deserved to see that there are Members of Congress who are committed to stemming gun violence in the United States and broadcast the sit-in via his Periscope app. His feed was carried by national news outlets throughout the day.




Port TIGER Grant

In 2015, Scott sent a letter of support and spoke personally with the Secretary of Transportation, Anthony Foxx to help the San Diego Unified Port District’s application for a TIGER grant to help upgrade the 10th Avenue Marine Terminal. In October of 2015, the Department of Transportation awarded a $10 million grant to the Port. San Diego’s economy depends on trade and the ability to efficiently move goods from the Port out into our communities and to the rest of the country. The improvements that will be made with TIGER Grant funds will increase work opportunities and benefit our economy.

Funding for Border Crossing

Since coming to Congress, Scott and the San Diego delegation worked together to provide funding for the San Ysidro and Calexico Border Crossings. Scott wrote letters to appropriators urging them to include funding for the projects. As a result funding for San Ysidro was included in two Omnibus spending bills and provided the project a total of nearly $500M. According to SANDAG, San Ysidro is the world’s busiest international land crossing, handling more than 11 million passenger vehicles, 68,000 buses, and 8 million pedestrians in 2012. SANDAG also estimates that delays and inefficiency at the border costs the region $7.2 billion in lost output and 62,000 jobs.

Highway Trust Fund Reauthorization

In 2015, Scott was an advocate for a long-term reauthorization of the Highway Trust Fund. He sent letters to Congressional leadership demanding that they stop providing short-term reauthorizations of the Trust Fund and instead provide certainty with a long-term authorization. As a result, in 2015, Congress passed a long-term reauthorization that will provide certainty to businesses working on infrastructure modernization and travelers who depend on safe roads, bridges, and tunnels to get to and from in their daily lives.


In 2015, 2016, and 2017, Scott has supported a federal full funding agreement between SANDAG and the DOT in order to match the local funding for the extension of the trolley system known as the Mid-Coast project. In budgets subsequent to the agreement, Scott has advocated for funding with the first allocation of $80 million and possibly $100 million in the FY 2018 Omnibus. This project is the latest expansion of the trolley system which connects the two largest job centers in the county, universities, the VA hospital, etc.

Funded Water Resources Infrastructure Investments

Since coming to Congress Scott has been a leader in sponsoring legislation to improve water-use efficiency. With Scott’s advocacy and support, Pure Water San Diego was selected as one of 12 projects to apply for more than $2 billion in Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). In July, the Energy and Commerce Committee unanimously passed Scott’s Secure and Resilient Water Systems Act as part of the Drinking Water System Improvement Bill. As droughts become more frequent, projects like Pure Water are critical to securing San Diego’s water independence.


Educating the President on DACA

In 2017, Scott sent a bipartisan letter to President Trump, requesting a meeting to discuss immigration priorities, like DACA, and how San Diegans do not support a border wall. Scott was one of a few Democrats to be invited to the meeting in January. It is paramount that the President understands the border and what San Diegans really need to be safe and host a world-class border crossing.






In 2015, Scott helped introduce the Wildfire Prevention Act which Allows states to apply for hazard mitigation assistance through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in cases where a Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) is awarded, to give states and local communities access to resources to mitigate the effects of the fire and to help prevent the next fire once the fire is out, bringing wildfire disaster relief in line with other natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. Last year, 6,300 wildfires burned over 300,000 acres across California. In May 2014, more than a dozen wildfires broke out in San Diego County alone, burning 26,000 acres, taking one life, and costing home and business owners $29.8 million.


Wildfire Disaster Funding Act

In both 2014 and 2015, Scott has supported the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act, and in 2013, he led a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor for a vote (gained 196 signatures). The bill would change the way the Federal Government provides funding for fighting and preparing for wildfires. A portion of the bill was included in the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Act which Scott supported and subsequently became law. In the face of some of the most devastating wildfires and other natural disasters in history, San Diegans know that we need to be prepared.


Created new wildfire prevention fund

Since coming to Congress, Scott has advocated for fixing how the federal government pays for fighting and preventing wildfires. Last year, California endured one of its most devastating fire seasons in recent history. In 2018, Scott successfully fought to include new funding for fire prevention in 2018 Omnibus spending plan. The $2.1 billion per year disaster fund will allow the federal government to end its long practice of paying to fight wildfires with funds dedicated to wildfire prevention programs. Earlier this year, Congress provided an additional $577 million in a disaster aid bill to avoid further depleting wildfire prevention funds. 




Secured Funding for Cleanup in TJ Sewage Spill

In 2018, Scott led efforts to secure $10 million in funding for the Border Wastewater Infrastructure Program (BWIP) in the FY 2018 Omnibus. The BWIP makes critical investment to improve sewage infrastructure along the border and prevent dangerous sewage spills that threaten public health and damage San Diegans’ quality of life in the future.

Port/Navy Land Swap

In 2017, Scott wrote a portion of the National Defense Authorization Act that allowed the San Diego Unified Port District and the Navy to exchange land parcels in the Broadway complex. The Port of San Diego was trying to obtain a sliver of land adjacent to a park downtown to allow park goers convenient parking. The Navy sought explicit authorization from Congress to carry out the exchange.

Mt. Soledad:

In 2014, Scott worked across the aisle with Rep. Duncan Hunter to transfer Mt. Soledad from the Department of Defense to a local non-profit organization in the National Defense Authorization Act. Several court cases had threatened the iconic and historic Mt. Soledad cross and Scott’s effort ensures that the cross will be maintained.

U.S. Courthouse Naming

In 2013, Scott introduced and passed legislation to recognize Judge James M. Carter and Judge Judith N. Keep by naming the Federal Courthouse in Downtown San Diego in their honor. Due to the shift in delegation make up, Scott was able to overcome the objections of some and get the bill passed.

Courthouse Modernization

In 2015 and 2016, Scott sent letters asking for federal funding of security modernization and childcare construction projects at the Federal Courthouse in San Diego. He also convened a meeting between representatives from the Courthouse and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to help convince the Committee to approve the funding. As a result, the funding has been approved and construction will commence on the Courthouse.

National arts grants supporting San Diego

In 2018, as a result of Scott’s continued support for arts funding, including the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, arts programs in San Diego received over $180,000 in grants. San Diego is home to museums and public art that define the cultural fabric of our city and add character to our shared spaces.

Casework Successes

Since being elected to Congress, Scott and his staff have made it a priority to help San Diegans who are struggling to navigate federal bureaucracy. As a result of their efforts, over $3,500,000 in owed benefits has been returned to San Diegans over the past five and a half years.