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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said a simulated nuclear weapon accident scheduled to take place in Wyoming this week will provide federal, state and local officials with important response training needed in case of an unanticipated real-world event.

The drill, called Diligent Warrior 2003, is a four-day field training exercise at Camp Guernsey near Wheatland. It is sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and hosted by the 90th Space Wing of F.E. Warren Air Force Base.

"Conducting a nuclear accident training exercise is a smart way for federal, state and local officials to make sure there is a response plan in place and importantly, that it works. Wyoming is not isolated from the potential of a nuclear accident, especially with intercontinental ballistic missiles housed at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. A run-through of what to do in the case of a nuclear accident will help ensure that all the kinks are worked out and that all relevant parties are able to work effectively together to remedy the situation," said Enzi.

The exercise will include a simulated collision between a tanker truck and a payload transporter carrying a simulated Minuteman III re-entry system. There will be over 600 federal, state, and local people participating in this event.

National-level nuclear weapon exercises will be conducted by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency over the next 20 years.