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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said legislation that passed the Senate yesterday will help ensure that federally funded educational research is relevant and meaningful to those who teach in the classroom everyday.

The Senate agreed by unanimous consent to reauthorize about $700 million in funding for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). The OERI conducts research to help improve education, collects statistics on the status and progress of schools and education throughout the nation, disseminates information and provides technical assistance to those working to improve education. Enzi was a cosponsor of the bill.

"Federally funded educational research should be responsive to the needs of states and local school districts. This legislation will help guarantee that the results of that research translate into real improvements for those who work with our students everyday," said Enzi.

Enzi said the bill also authorizes eight Research and Development Centers, one of which will research how to address the unique needs of rural states and school districts.

The bill also includes proposed changes to the structure of the OERI and would ensure that regional education labs, the organizations responsible for turning research into effective educational practice, are involved in the process.

The House is expected to amend its version of the legislation, which was passed in April, to correspond with the Senate's version.