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Tuesday Wyoming media outlets reported that U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi would ask the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to investigate the low natural gas prices paid for gas produced in Wyoming. Gas sold in other parts of the country brings much higher prices. The price difference costs Wyoming producers and lessens tax revenue coming into state coffers.

Enzi sent a letter to FERC Chairman Pat Wood Tuesday asking him to investigate the matter. The text of the letter is included below.

Coy Knobel
Press Secretary
U.S. Senator Mike Enzi

October 15, 2002

Pat Wood, III
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 1st Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426

Dear Pat:

I am deeply concerned about discrepancies that have arisen between the prices paid to natural gas producers in Wyoming and the subsequent increased cost for that same gas in outside markets. A number of questions have been raised as to the cause or causes for this expanding price differential and I would appreciate your assistance in investigating this important matter.

While I recognize there are a number of factors that could be contributing to this situation I am also aware of the interest your agency has in providing a steady nationwide supply of natural gas. Your assistance in reviewing this matter will help stabilize energy markets and will help continued natural gas development in Wyoming.

This is a very important issue to my state. I appreciate your prompt response to this request.


Michael B. Enzi
United States Senator