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Honorable Mark Sanford

Representing the 1st District of South Carolina

CVSC, Sanford Recognize Land and Water Conservation Fund in SC Communities

Sep 21, 2018
Press Release
National conservation fund set to expire next week

CHARLESTON, SC - Monday, September 24 at 2 p.m., Congressman Mark Sanford will join John Tynan, Executive Director of Conservation Voters of South Carolina, for a joint press conference at Melton Peter Demetre Park (Sunrise Park) to speak about the urgent need to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
LWCF helps local, state, and federal public entities acquire and improve public access and recreation spaces including sports fields, critical conservation lands, and cultural sites – without using taxpayer money. The fund is set to expire September 30. Congressman Sanford has signed on as a cosponsor of legislation that would reauthorize the program.
Without LWCF, South Carolinians will lose a vital funding mechanism that public entities use to protect and improve the quality of life across South Carolina through access to parks, open space, and areas for hunting and fishing.
Demetre Park is one of many Charleston-area parks that have benefited from LWCF support. Other parks in the county, including Fort Sumter, Riley Waterfront Park, and Pitt Street Bridge Park, were also created or enhanced using LWCF funds.
Congressman Mark Sanford and John Tynan will be available for interviews at the event. Speakers will address the crowd from the picnic pavilion near the waterfront.