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Congressman Pete Sessions

Representing the 32nd District of Texas

Committees and Caucuses

As your Member of Congress, I am dedicated to serving on Congressional Caucuses and Committees to work on specific issues of interest to my constituents and to benefit the 32nd Congressional District of Texas. I have listed some of my congressional involvement below.  

Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus, Co-Chair
As the parent of a young man with Down syndrome, I am proud to lead the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus.  The Caucus was established to educate Members of Congress and their staff about Down syndrome and to promote research and public policies that would enhance the quality of life for individuals with Down syndrome.

Yellow Pages Caucus, Co-Chair
The Yellow Pages Caucus was formed by a group of Members of Congress dedicated to empowering the private sector.  The Caucus believes that if an activity is available from a private company found in the Yellow Pages, it should either not be a responsibility of the federal government, or it should be performed by a private firm under contract with the federal government.

The Congressional Caucus on Turkey and Turkish Americans, Co-Chair
The Congressional Caucus on Turkey and Turkish Americans is a bi-partisan platform for members of Congress to focus on US-Turkey relations and issues that concern Turkish Americans. One of the important missions of the Turkish Caucus is to enhance understanding in Congress about the importance of US-Turkey relations. In pursuit of this mission, the Caucus works with numerous groups to provide year-around informational bulletins to members of Congress, organizes and sponsors congressional delegations to Turkey, as well as events on Capitol Hill and provides a platform for Turkish American activism and advocacy on issues that concern Turkish Americans. Through these efforts and with a view to augment the voice of citizens in support of mutually beneficial and friendly ties between nations, the Caucus aims to strengthen a balanced dialogue in Washington, DC on issues relating to U.S.-Turkey relations and US policies in the region.

When I was first elected to Congress, I joined the Turkey Caucus because I had a deep appreciation for the Republic of Turkey and its people. As a member of NATO, Turkey has supported the United States on many critical security issues and served as a strategic partner in our common struggle against terrorism. Turkey shares America’s common goals of security, democracy, and economic prosperity, and its success as a secular democracy is an example to all Middle Eastern countries. In my travel and interactions with Turkish citizens and the Turkish-American community in the United States, I have consistently found a people that appreciate and extol the shared values of our two great democracies. I look forward to expanding my role with the Caucus as the new Republican Co-Chair and hope to continue the growth and success of our bilateral relationship with Turkey.

Republican Study Committee
The Republican Study Committee is a group House Republicans organized for the purpose of advancing a conservative agenda in the House of Representatives. The Republican Study Committee is dedicated to a limited and Constitutional role for the federal government, a strong national defense, the protection of individual and property rights, and the preservation of traditional family values. The Republican Study Committee is an independent research arm for Republicans.

Below is a full list of my Congressional Caucus membership:

  • Air Medical Caucus
  • Anti- Value Added Tax Caucus
  • Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease
  • Coalition for Autism Research and Education
  • Coalition for Autism Research and Education (C.A.R.E.)
  • Committee on Homeland Security Foreign Fighter Task Force
  • Congressional Air Medical Caucus
  • Congressional Army Caucus
  • Congressional Automotive Performance and Motorsports Caucus
  • Congressional Azerbaijani Caucus
  • Congressional Boating Caucus
  • Congressional Brain Injury Task Force
  • Congressional Caribbean Caucus
  • Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans
  • Congressional Caucus on Intellectual Property Promotion and Piracy Prevention
  • Congressional Caucus on Parkinson's Disease
  • Congressional Caucus on U.S. -Turkey Relations nad Turkish Americans
  • Congressional Cement Caucus
  • Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus
  • Congressional Coalition on Adoption
  • Congressional Coalition on Adoption
  • Congressional Congenital Heart Caucus
  • Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus
  • Congressional Diabetes Caucus
  • Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus
  • Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus
  • Congressional Dyslexia Caucus
  • Congressional Fire Services Caucus
  • Congressional Fraternal Caucus
  • Congressional Friends of Switzerland Caucus
  • Congressional Heart and Stroke Coalition
  • Congressional High Tech Caucus
  • Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus
  • Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus
  • Congressional Internet Caucus
  • Congressional Military Mental Health Caucus
  • Congressional Missile Defense Caucus
  • Congressional Morocco Caucus
  • Congressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus
  • Congressional Navy and Marine Corps Caucus
  • Congressional Neurosciences Caucus
  • Congressional Nursing Caucus
  • Congressional Pakistan Caucus
  • Congressional Reclaim American Jobs Caucus
  • Congressional Research and Development Caucus
  • Congressional Savings & Ownership Caucus
  • Congressional Scouting Caucus
  • Congressional Semiconductor Caucus
  • Congressional Songwriters Caucus
  • Congressional Sportsmens' Caucus
  • Congressional Taiwan Caucus
  • Congressional Task Force on Down Syndrome
  • Congressional United Kingdom Caucus
  • Congressinal Vision Caucus
  • Congressional Western Caucus
  • Congressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus
  • Deadliest Cancers Caucus
  • E-TECH Caucus
  • Financial and Economic Literacy Caucus
  • Financial Protection and Life Insurance Caucus
  • Friends of Job Corps Congressional Caucus
  • House Army Caucus
  • House Community College Caucus
  • House Community Pharmacy Caucus
  • House General Aviation Caucus
  • House Law Enforcement Caucus
  • House National Guard and Reserve Componets Caucus
  • House Republican Israel Caucus
  • House Republican Restoring Constitutional Authority Task Force
  • House Republican Study Committee
  • House Tea Party Caucus
  • Immigration Reform Caucus
  • International Creativity and Theft-Prevention Caucus
  • Kurdish-American Congressional Caucus
  • Malaysia, Trade Security and Economic Cooperation Caucus
  • Military Veterans Caucus
  • Missile Defense Caucus
  • National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
  • Rare Disease Congressional Caucus
  • Republican Israel Caucus
  • Republican Study Committee
  • Special Operations Forces (SOF) Caucus
  • Sunset Caucus
  • Tea Party Caucus
  • TEX-21 Congressional Caucus
  • Yellow Pages Caucus
  • Youth Military Caucus
  • ACT Caucus
  • Government Efficiency Caucus