
NJ Space Grant Consortium

The New Jersey Space Grant Consortium (NJSGC), funded by NASA, has a mission of advancing aerospace education, research, and technology.

Four programs are designed to fulfill this mission:  (1) Industry-University Research Collaborations (2) Undergraduate Student Summer Fellowships (3) K-12 Science Education Projects and (4) General Public Outreach. NASA has commended NJSGC for its Industry-University Research and Student Summer Fellowship Programs.

The Space Grant program, which was established in 1988, is a national network of 835 universities, colleges, federal R&D centers, and business partners, located in 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

The Space Grant consortia operate a portfolio of initiatives that respond to Congressional concern for a comprehensive national strategy “to energize student interest in science, engineering, mathematics, or other disciplines needed for NASA's future workforce.”

Click here to learn about the NJ Space Grant Consortium’s work in our state on behalf of science education.