Health Care

Providing quality health care for their loved ones is one of the challenges American families face daily. Advancements in medicine mean that Americans are living longer than ever, and with those advancements comes a responsibility to maintain access to care. I believe that quality, affordable health care should be a right for every American and not just a privilege for the few.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was an important step towards accomplishing that goal. Already, young adults are able to stay on their parents’ health plan for longer and seniors across the country are saving on their prescription drug costs. Children with preexisting conditions have access to health plans, and access for adults with preexisting conditions will expand in 2014. Healthcare Exchanges will help individuals and families find affordable, quality plans to fit their needs, and small businesses offer healthcare for their employees. Significantly, health care costs have begun to drop in recent years, after decades of steady increase.

However, the law is imperfect. While I have and will continue to vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act, we need to take a serious look at reforming the Affordable Care Act and take steps to further reduce our long term health care costs. We must address these long term challenges to ensure that a strong healthcare system will provide quality and affordable care for generations to come.

Affordable Care Act Implementation

For more information on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, visit  or call 1-800-318-2596.

Maryland residents can sign up for a health benefit exchange at .

Small business owners can use the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP), which simplifies the process of buying health insurance for small business, and has information on the small business health care tax credit. Small business questions can also be answered at 1-800-706-7893.

Our office is also happy to assist you with ACA implementation questions. Please contact our office at 301-926-0300 or 202-225-2721.  

More on Health Care

Oct 31, 2018

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Rep. John K. Delaney (MD-06) and Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-02) introduced H.R. 7103, the Suicide Prevention Analytics Act of 2018. This bipartisan legislation aims to address the gap in data reporting as it relates to self-harm and suicidal behavior. This pilot program will help improve the compilation and sharing of near real-time suicidal behavior information among care providers, prevention experts, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Sep 7, 2018

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) sent a letter to Chairman Tom Cole (OK-5) and Ranking Member Rosa L. DeLauro (CT-5) of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Service, Education, and Related Agencies applauding the bipartisan effort to address the mental health crisis in our country. In the letter, also signed by Reps.

Jun 27, 2018

Delaney Amendment to Increase Funding for Fisher House Added to Defense Bill
Bipartisan Delaney amendment doubles federal support for Fisher House

Jun 22, 2018


WASHINGTON – Over the past two weeks, the House of Representatives passed nearly 60 opioid-related pieces of legislation, including today’s bipartisan package, H.R. 6, Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act or the “SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act.”

May 18, 2018

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s bipartisan congressional delegation has written a joint letter to Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar in support of Maryland’s waiver for a state reinsurance program, which was authorized by the Maryland General Assembly earlier this year. Reinsurance is a reimbursement system that protects insurers from very high claims by having a third party (the federal or state government) pay part of the insurance company’s claims once they pass a certain amount.


Oct 25, 2017

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) is an original cosponsor of the State Public Option Act, legislation filed today that allows states to create a Medicaid buy-in program for all of their residents, regardless of income. The legislation to create this Medicaid-based public health care option was filed by Congressman Ben Ray Lujan (NM-3) and Senator Brian Schatz (HI).

Oct 13, 2017

WASHINGTON – Late Thursday the Trump Administration announced that it would immediately halt cost-sharing health subsidies that allow 7 million Americans to afford private coverage.

Jul 27, 2017

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman John K. Delaney successfully introduced an amendment to the 2018 defense appropriations bill (H.R. 3219) that provides an additional $5 million in funding to the Fisher House Foundation, increasing the total funds appropriated to Fisher House to $10 million. The Fisher House Foundation provides military families with free lodging near Department of Veterans Affairs and military hospitals. The Delaney Amendment was accepted during floor debate on H.R. 3219 Thursday.

Jul 11, 2017

FREDERICK – Over 200 Marylanders attended an Opioid Addiction Workshop hosted by Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) Monday evening at Winchester Hall in Frederick. The workshop featured representatives from local, state and federal organizations and included a panel discussion featuring Dr. Brendan Saloner, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Dr. Barbara Brookmyer, Department Head, Frederick County Health Department; and Korey Shorb, Founder of the Up and Out Foundation. The workshop also included remarks by Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner.

Apr 27, 2017

WASHINGTON – This week the House Freedom Caucus announced their support for an amended version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The MacArthur Amendment to the AHCA would significantly weaken the essential health benefits provision established by the Affordable Care Act, by allowing states to opt-out of requiring that plans include basic features like prescription drug coverage, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity services and addiction treatment.
