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Congresswoman Debbie Dingell

Representing the 12th District of Michigan

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Latest News

December 20, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill to improve the safety of drugs sold over-the-counter. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) led the effort with Representatives Bob Latta (DROH), Diana DeGette (D-CO), Brett Guthrie (R-KY), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), and Susan Brooks (R-IN).

December 20, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) continued a Dingell holiday tradition, releasing the 2018 edition of the annual Dingell Jingle. Full text of the jingle can be read below.



It’s the most blunderful time of year

December 13, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) issued the following statement after receiving a classified briefing on the US military’s involvement in Yemen from Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:

December 11, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell issued the following statement after the Trump Administration announced plans to roll back protections for wetlands and clean water:

December 11, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC  – Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) urged Michigan Speaker of the House Tom Leonard and the state legislature to reject a proposal to allow hazardous waste disposal facilities across Michigan to accept material up to ten times more radioactive than what is currently permissible under state law.

December 7, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI), joined a group of her colleagues from Michigan and Ohio in formally inviting President Donald Trump to visit the communities impacted by General Motors’ decision to idle several North America plants. The invitation was led by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) and was also signed by Reps.

December 7, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Representatives Paul D.

December 6, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) issued the following statement after meeting with GM CEO Mary Barra:

December 4, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Representatives Debbie Dingell (MI-12) and Ryan Costello (PA-06) introduced bipartisan legislation to strengthen the health care system’s identification, assessment and response to domestic violence, sexual assault and dating violence survivors with an expanded focus on accessing behavioral health and safety resources across the lifespan.

November 30, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) made the following statement after President Trump signed the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA): ​

“Simply giving NAFTA a new name won’t give us any new results. Jobs will continue to move out of the country and overseas until trade agreements put workers in America first.


In The News

May 24, 2018 In The News

WASHINGTON — The new post-Nassar leadership of the U.S. Olympic movement was on full display for all to see Wednesday morning at a Congressional hearing focused on the terrible sex abuse scandals in the nation’s Olympic sports.

April 13, 2018 In The News

During two days of marathon testimony before Congress, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg managed to avoid answering some critical questions about how user information is managed and the extent to which that data might have been improperly shared with third parties.

One congresswoman wasn’t having it.

March 30, 2018 In The News

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) on Wednesday sent a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai raising questions about the new broadcast technology standard, ATSC 3.0, and the privacy implications it will have on consumers across the country.

March 30, 2018 In The News

Two House Democrats criticized U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer for not doing more to make his office's actions more transparent, saying lawmakers continue to be left in the dark about the Trump administration's trade negotiations.

They urged Lighthizer to appoint a "chief transparency officer" to report to Congress.

March 13, 2018 In The News

A “final” version of a federal Action Plan for reducing phosphorus loading into Lake Erie reiterates a goal of reducing it 40 percent by 2025 and describes an array of potential measures to get there.

But critics said the report includes no consequences should the 40 percent goal not be met, rendering it toothless.

March 13, 2018 In The News

Michigan U.S. Reps. Fred Upton and Debbie Dingell will co-chair a bipartisan congressional working group in response to the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 students and school staff.

March 5, 2018 In The News

In this op-ed, Representative Debbie Dingell explains why it's time to close the legal loophole that allows some domestic abusers to buy guns.

March 2, 2018 In The News

The numbers are shocking. It’s estimated that more than 1,000 men and women are treated in emergency rooms daily for misusing prescription painkillers. As a nation, we’re spending more than $500 billion annually in health and social costs to combat this epidemic.

March 1, 2018 In The News

Washington — Two weeks after the killing of 17 at a Florida school, members of Congress are facing sustained pressure to take up gun-reform legislation, but it remains unclear what measures could pass.

