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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., applauded the effort the U.S. Department of Treasury is undertaking to simplify the tax code.

"The shouts for tax relief often drown out the call for simplification, but we need both and I'm very pleased Treasury Secretary O'Neill is not only listening, but taking action," said Enzi, the Senate's only accountant and a longtime advocate for simplification.

The Treasury Department released a proposal today that would change IRS rules so there would be only one definition for what constitutes a child.

Under the current tax code there are different ways of defining a "qualifying child" for five tax benefits. O'Neill's rule change would make the definition uniform for the dependent exemption, head of household filing status, earned income tax credit, child tax credit and the dependent care tax credit.

"For years now American taxpayers have been overcharged and overworked trying to find their way through the complex, labyrinth-like tax code. The IRS is waiting for them if they make one false move. Even accountants want the code simplified. I wish Secretary O'Neill speed and success in moving forward with this and other simplification measures the Administration has planned."

O'Neill appropriately unveiled his idea April 15, the deadline for filing tax returns.