Subscribe to Newsletter & Townhall


Newsletter Johnny works diligently to remain connected to his constituents. In an effort to maintain this important link with you, Johnny e-mails a newsletter during weeks when the Senate is in session. The newsletter is filled with important information about what he has been working on in Washington as well as information on upcoming events in Georgia. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please fill out your name and e-mail address and and check the subscribe box.

Telephone Town Hall

Johnny periodically holds Telephone Town Hall meetings for Georgia residents. These opportunities to engage in a dialogue directly with him typically occur on a Monday at 6:30 p.m. Constituents are encouraged to participate. However, the system we use to conduct these calls requires that we call our constituents as opposed to you calling us. If you would like to participate, please fill out the form below and include your name, email address (so we can send you a notice when one has been scheduled), the phone number you would like for us to call and check the subscribe box. You can also listen to previous telephone town hall meetings here.


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Telephone Town Hall

Enter your phone number below to subscribe to our telephone town hall meeting list.