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Washington, D.C. – Over 600 members of the Congressional Club have elected Diana Enzi to an important position that promotes volunteerism and philanthropy in local communities.

Enzi has been chosen to serve as president of the Congressional Club for the year 2002. As president she will chair the organization's board of directors and oversee all activities sponsored by the club. One important duty will be to introduce First Lady Laura Bush at the group's annual First Lady's Luncheon scheduled for May 9, 2002.

Enzi, a member of the club for more than five years, said she joined the organization with the hope of meeting new people and becoming more involved. She started as a general member but then took a more active role when she was elected to various vice-presidential positions.

"It has been an enriching experience and I've gotten to know a lot of women," said Enzi. "I am honored to have been chosen for this position."

The club was chartered by Congress in 1908 to provide social opportunities for the wives and daughters of members of the House and Senate. The organization now directs more of its focus toward charity work and is open to all present and past Congressional spouses.

Enzi also serves as the vice president for the International Neighbors Club #4 and is treasurer for the Senate Spouses Club.