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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said the President gave another high caliber address to the nation Tuesday evening and it was a pleasure to be in the House Chamber to hear it.

Below are some of the comments Enzi made concerning the President's emphasis on national defense, homeland security, jobs, volunteerism and the believability of the President.

"A year ago, soon after taking office, the President addressed a joint session of Congress. In that speech he outlined what he wanted to get done. Since that speech we have accomplished those goals. Because of these successes I believe we will also achieve the goals he set in tonight's state of the union address. He speaks with credibility.

"The President is changing the emphasis from how much we make to how much we do for others. He challenged every one of us to volunteer and use our individual skills for the good of others. This is a way to keep the American spirit alive. His volunteer initiative will make a difference for America.

"The President has worked in a bi-partisan manner. I experienced that first hand when I worked on the education conference committee. Tonight the President asked us to continue and finish our work on a Patients Bill of Rights. I am also on that conference committee and I expect to see the same bipartisan and positive results that we saw with the education bill.

"I am pleased at how concisely the President explains what he wants done and how he sets his boundaries on what he will accept, yet he allows Congress to work on the details. He has worked with Congress and to my recollection did not have to use his veto pen once in his first year. That's impressive.

"I look forward to making sure the nation is secure and that means taking care of terrorism around the world. The President told us that it will take some time, but he also assured us and other countries that we will be steadfast, that we will be there however long it takes to make sure that we have a nation that's safe and a world that's safe.

"National defense and homeland security are, of course, major priorities that the President addressed. He realizes that we need to put all the necessary resources toward keeping our homeland safe and our military strong. It is a lot easier to buy more high tech weapons, to gather intelligence and to train people to prevent disaster than it is to explain the death of one young man or young woman to his or her mother.

"The President summed up his economic message in one word, ‘jobs.' That's really what people want in Wyoming and the rest of this country. People would much rather have a job that provides a paycheck than have to depend on unemployment benefits. A national energy policy, tax relief and better health care are all items that can help Wyoming and the national economy.