Nov 15 2011

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today issued the following statement on the agreement reached today on detainee provisions in the Defense Authorization bill, a new version of which passed the Senate Armed Services Committee by a unanimous vote this afternoon:


“Today in a unanimous 26-0 vote, the Senate Armed Services Committee reported out a new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012. In addition to reducing funding by $20 billion to align with the defense top-line level consistent with the Budget Control Act enacted this summer, the new NDAA includes compromise detainee policy provisions intended to address objections made by the Administration.


“To be clear: These provisions do not apply to U.S. citizens. While this compromise includes many of the recommended changes and clarifications sought by the Administration, it retains critical components such as the requirement for military custody of members of al-Qaeda or its associated forces captured while participating in or planning an attack on the U.S. or its coalition partners. This requirement includes a waiver that can be used by the Secretary of Defense, as well as language ensuring that the military custody provision will not interfere with surveillance or intelligence gathering activities. The revised detainee compromise also retained requirements for the certification of transfer of detainees and prohibitions on the use of funds to construct or modify facilities in the U.S. for Guantanamo detainees.


“We are encouraged by today’s unanimous vote, and look forward to debating these vital issues on the floor of the Senate when the NDAA comes up for consideration as early as this week.”



Nov 15 2011

Deeping Charleston Harbor is the number-one issue for South Carolina's economy.  The Port of Charleston is our gateway to the world.  That's why I have long believed that when it comes to deeping Charleston Harbor, failure is simply not an option.

Oct 31 2011

Earlier this year, the future of H-canyon was put very much in jeopardy by the President’s budget.  I have worked very closely with the Savannah River Site, the Department of Energy, and NNSA to reverse this decision and guarantee future work for H-canyon. 

Oct 31 2011

Senator Lindsey Graham has written Secretary of State Hillary Clinton encouraging the Obama Administration to make future financial assistance to Libya in the form of loans which should be repaid to the American taxpayer.

Oct 21 2011

I respectfully disagree with President Obama.  I feel all we have worked for, fought for, and sacrificed for is very much in jeopardy by today’s announcement. I hope I am wrong and the President is right, but I fear this decision has set in motion events that will come back to haunt our country.

Oct 20 2011

The Mad Dog of the Middle East is dead and the Libyan people can breathe a sigh of relief.  I hope Gaddafi’s death will be the end of the killing in Libya and the beginning of building a just and civil society.

Oct 12 2011

President Obama’s jobs proposal was nothing more than an expansion and continuation of the policies which have made our economy worse than when he took office.