Congressman Jerry McNerney

Representing the 9th District of California
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What does the Affordable Care Act mean for you?

Covered California
"It’s been nearly four years since Congress passed the Affordable Care Act.  In that time, we’ve already seen some of its positive effects – young adults able to stay on their parents’ insurance longer, a reduction in waste and fraud in Medicare, the elimination of discrimination against pre-existing conditions, and more affordable prescription drugs for seniors.
Here in California you can get coverage through our health care marketplace, Covered California.  At Covered California’s website,, you can browse different health care plans and choose one that suits your needs and budget.  
I’ve put together some resources about what the Affordable Care Act and Covered California mean for you.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call any of my offices.  My staff and I are here to help."
-Congressman Jerry McNerney
What is Covered California?
Covered California is an online marketplace that will provide Californians access to quality health insurance based on their needs and budget. Even if you have a pre-existing medical condition or become ill, you will never be denied coverage or be dropped from your plan. Both individuals and small business owners can find more complete information on the Affordable Health Care Act at
How Can the Affordable Care Act and Covered California Help You?
  • For the first time, all insurance plans must cover essential health benefits. This includes doctor visits, hospitalization, emergency care, maternity care, pediatric care, and prescriptions. 
  • Approximately five million Californians who were previously uninsured will now be able to find affordable health insurance coverage.
  • Covered California will provide financial assistance to those with modest to limited incomes, making health insurance a possibility for every Californian.
  • Premium assistance will help more than 80 percent of enrollees with health insurance costs.
  • The Affordable Care Act allows young adults to stay on or join their parents’ health insurance plan until the age of 26.
What Are My Coverage Options? 
  • Through Covered California, individuals and families will have access to a variety of quality health plans. 
  • There are four basic categories of health care coverage: platinum, gold, silver and bronze.
  • With platinum and gold category plans, you pay a higher monthly premium but have a higher amount of your medical expenses covered. 
  • Silver and bronze plans cost you less monthly, and therefore the cost will be higher when you receive medical treatment.

Plans vs. Premiums

Do I Have to Enroll with Covered California if I already have health insurance?
  • If your employer currently provides you with affordable health insurance, there is no need to enroll in a new plan.
  • However, if you qualify to receive financial assistance to pay health insurance premiums, you must be insured through Covered California.
How Can Covered California Help Your Small Business?
  • Health insurance is also available to the owners of small businesses with up to 50 full-time employees.
  • Competitive insurance plans provided by private companies can be easily compared, including those that were previously only available to large businesses.
  • Side-by-side comparisons of plans, benefits and premiums simplify the process of choosing the right plan for your small business.
  • Covered California allows business owners to choose the level of contribution they make towards their employees’ coverage.
  • Businesses with fewer than 25 full-time employees who make less than $50,000 per year may be eligible for small business tax credits.
Other Helpful Resources: