CURRENT RATINGS (as of 09/01/18):
• 100% rating with the American Security Council
• 100% rating with the American Conservative Union
• 100% rating with Americans for Prosperity
• 100% rating with Associated Builders and Contractors
• 100% rating with the Christian Coalition of America
• 96% rating and Considered a Taxpayer Hero by Citizens Against Government Waste
• 100% rating with the Competitive Enterprise Institute
• 100% rating with the Concerned Women for Americata
• 100% rating with Eagle Forum
• 100% rating with the Faith and Freedom
• 100% rating with the Family Research Council
• 100% rating with the Gun Owners of America
• 93% rating with Heritage Action
• 100% rating with the National Federation of Independent Business
• 100% rating with the National Right to Life Committee
• 92% rating with the National Tax Limitation Committee
• 90% rating with the National Taxpayers Union 
• 98% rating with the immigration enforcement group Numbers USA
• 100% rating with the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

CAREER RATINGS (as of 9/1/18):
• Career “A+” grade with the immigration enforcement organization NumbersUSA.
• Career 100% rating with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). 
• Career “A” rating with the NRA.
• Career 100% rating with National Right to Life.
• Career 100% rating with Eagle Forum.
• Career “A” rating with the American Conservative Union.
• Career “A” rating with Gun Owners of America who consider Paul a “pro-gun leader that introduces pro-gun legislation.”


Constituent Communication Award
Organization: National Write Your Congressman (NWYC)
Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (R-AZ) was presented with the National Write Your Congressman “Constituent Communication Award” for his efforts to communicate with his constituents and ensure that their voices are being heard.

100 percent Pro-Worker Score
Organization: Competitive Enterprise Institute
In the 112th Congress, the Competitive Enterprise Institute recognized Congressman Gosar and several of his colleagues by awarding them with 100% pro-worker scores.

"Defender of Israel" Award
Organization: Christians' Israel Public Action Campaign (CIPAC)

"Champion of Healthcare Innovation" Award
Organization: The Healthcare Leadership Council
The Healthcare Leadership Council honored Congressman Gosar with the “Champion of Healthcare Innovation” award. This award is given to members who exhibit leadership, dedication and a strong work ethic in advancing the quality, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of American healthcare.

"Standing Up For America's Seniors" Award
RetireSafe, representing 400,000 seniors nationwide, honored Representative Paul Gosar for his efforts to protect the health benefits and security of Arizona’s seniors and disabled citizens.


"112th Congress Bronze Mouse" Award
Organization: Congressional Management Foundation
U. S. Representative Paul Gosar, D.D.S. has been awarded the “112th Congress Bronze Mouse Award” in recognition of his official congressional website being named one of the best websites on Capitol Hill. The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization working to improve communications between citizens and Congress and enhance operations in Capitol Hill offices. CMF has assessed and graded congressional websites and issued these awards since 2001.

NFIB "One of our Own" Award
Organization: National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB)
The National Federation of Independent Business recognized Congressman Gosar as a “Guardian of Small Business” for his work to protect America’s small business owners.

"Spirit of Enterprise" Award
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce awarded Congressman Paul Gosar D.D.S. their prestigious “Spirit of Enterprise” award. The award is issued to members of Congress based on rankings given for key business issues which have been established as priorities by the Chamber as detailed in its yearly publication, How They Voted.


Goodwill Industries "Policymaker" Award
Organization: Goodwill Industries
Congressman Gosar received the Goodwill Policymaker Award for 2012. This award recognizes a federal lawmaker who has clearly demonstrated support for Goodwill’s public policy priorities.

"Champion of Healthcare Innovation" Award
The Healthcare Leadership Council
The Healthcare Leadership Council honored Congressman Gosar with the “Champion of Healthcare Innovation” award at the Council’s annual Healthcare Innovations Expo on Capitol Hill. This award is given to members who exhibit leadership, dedication and a strong work ethic in advancing the quality, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of American healthcare.

"Guardian of Seniors' Rights" Award
60 Plus Association
Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, spokesman for the 60 Plus Association, announced that Representative Paul Gosar has earned the group’s highest honor, the Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. Representative Gosar can be counted on to preserve Social Security and Medicare,” Chairman Jim Martin said. “Gosar is a tax cutter, protecting the pocket books of senior citizens and Representative Gosar is fighting wasteful spending of our tax dollars which has our government now borrowing over 40 cents of every dollar to pay its bills."

American Conservative Union Award
Organization: The American Conservative Union
Congressman Paul Gosar was awarded the American Conservative Union award for a commitment to the constitutional principles of limited government and personal freedom.

NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence
Organization: National Association of Manufacturers
The National Association of Manufacturers awarded Congressman Paul Gosar D.D.S. their prestigious “NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence. The award is issued to members of Congress who consistently supported a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda.

Champion of National Security Award
Organization: Retiresafe
hampion of National Security Award from the Center for Security Policy. The government’s core responsibility is that of national security—to defend from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

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