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Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty

Representing the 5th District of Connecticut


Military Academy Nominations

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Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Service Academies. As your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, each year I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of students to the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, and U.S. Merchant Marines Academy. I do not nomiate students to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. The honor of attending a service academy comes with the opportunity for a free quality education and an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.

The 2018 Military Academy Nomination Packet is now available and can be found here.

You can submit a Letter of Recommendation for a Service Academy Nomination here.

For more information, please review my page of Frequently Asked Questions for those seeking a Military Academy Nomination or call my office at (860) 223-8412.

Best wishes to you as you pursue your goal of attending one of the U.S. Service Academies and serving our country.