U.S. Congressman LOUIE GOHMERT: Proudly Serving the First District of Texas


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In The News
DHS: Jesus, Mary and Joseph could have earned asylum in U.S.
December 20, 2018
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen assured members of Congress Thursday that Jesus, Mary and Joseph would have qualified for asylum in the U.S. as they fled King Herod. That turned out to be a point of contention as Ms. Nielsen testified to the House Judiciary Committee, fielding angry questions and denunciations from Democrats who say the Trump administration has been cruel to migrants. Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, Illinois Democrat, was the most pointed, saying a Trump administration tran... More
Press Releases
Gohmert Introduces Bill That Removes Liability Protections for Social Media Companies That Use Algorithms to Hide, Promote, or Filter User Content
December 20, 2018
Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement regarding the introduction his bill, H.R.7363, that amends section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934: “Social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are now among the largest and most powerful companies in the world. More and more people are turning to a social media platform for news than ever before, arguably making these companies more powerful than traditional media outlets. Yet, social media companies enjoy special ... More
In The News
ZOA to ADL: Apologize/Retract ADL’s “Abhorrent” Attack Against Pro-Israel Cong. Gohmert
December 11, 2018
Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), released the following statement defending Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and his statements criticizing George Soros on the Fox Business Network, and urging ADL to apologize for ADL’s “abhorrent” attack on Congressman Gohmert: It is not antisemitic to point out that Soros funds attacks on Israel and failed to feel remorse or guilt. ADL should apologize to Congressman Louie Gohmert. Congressman Louie Gohmert is one of Israe... More
In The News
Louie Gohmert Slams Google for Making the SPLC a 'Trusted Flagger' on YouTube
December 11, 2018
On Tuesday, multiple Republican congressmen ripped into Google for listing the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a "trusted flagger" on its platform YouTube. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) ripped into Google CEO Sundar Pichai for trusting an organization that brands conservative and Christian groups "hate groups" along with the Ku Klux Klan. "You have a trusted flagger, you had indicated, called the Southern Poverty Law Center," Gohmert told Pichai. "The... More
Press Releases
Gohmert Responds To George Soros Comments on Fox Business “Varney & Co”
December 6, 2018
Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement today regarding his comments on George Soros on The Fox Business Network’s, “Varney & Co:” “Soros himself admitted in a 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft on December 20, 1998 that he had no regrets whatsoever about assisting the Nazis in confiscating property from the Jewish people during the Holocaust. That is a fact. Any person with any sense of empathy for their fellow human beings would regret the part they played in conf... More
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