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Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi

Representing the 8th District of Illinois

Congressman Krishnamoorthi: President Trump Has Chosen To Take Our Government To The Brink Of A Shutdown Which Will Lead To Thousands Of Illinois Workers Being Furloughed During The Christmas Holidays

December 21, 2018
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Krishnamoorthi released the following in response to the impending shutdown of the federal departments of Justice, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, State, Interior, Treasury, Commerce, Agriculture, and Homeland Security:

“President Trump has chosen to take our government to the brink of a shutdown for the third time this year to appeal to the far right, rather than to work for the American people. Because of their reckless games, as many as 6,200 Illinois workers could be furloughed or forced to work without pay over the Christmas holidays.

The saddest part of all of this is that this potential shutdown was wholly avoidable. Earlier this week, the Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan bill which would keep the government open. Rather than bring this bill to the House, where it could have easily passed, Speaker Ryan and President Trump chose to listen to the most extreme voices in their caucus and force a vote on a partisan bill that cannot and will not pass the Senate.

Speaker Ryan must allow the House to work it’s will and allow a vote on the bipartisan bill that passed the Senate unanimously. There is no more time to waste. We cannot let the American people be held hostage for a border wall that President Trump said Mexico would pay for in the first place.”