
Chairman Frelinghuysen Praises House Passage of VA Mission Act

WASHINGTON, D.C -- Calling it “another step toward a stronger Veterans Administration,” U.S. Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11) today praised House passage of S. 2372, the VA Mission Act, legislation designed to ensure veterans are receiving the care and benefits they deserve. 

“For years, I have been working with my Congressional colleagues to modernize the VA and transform it into an effective, modern, state-of-the-art organization focused on support of veterans and their families,” said Frelinghuysen, Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations.  “While the VA Mission Act is not the complete answer, it is another step towards better service for those who have worn the nation’s uniform.”

The VA MISSION Act of 2018 (S. 2372) will help veterans, in several major ways, by:

       -Streamlining all of the community care programs, including the Veterans Choice Program, into one                    common sense program;

       -Expanding the VA’s caregivers program to all war eras of veterans, not just the post-9/11 generation,                which is critical. This program should be available to all war eras and the families of veterans who                      proudly served our nation;

       -Providing additional resources to the VA to fund the Veterans Choice Program through the next year                while the community care programs are being modified and streamlined.  

The VA Mission Act passed the House today by a vote of 347-70.  It had previously passed the United States Senate.

“With these reforms to vital care services, we are returning the VA to its core mission. I was proud to support the VA Mission Act and look forward to the President signing the bill soon,” said Frelinghuysen. 

