
Chairman Frelinghuysen statement on President's FY18 budget blueprint

U.S. Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11), Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, made the following statement today on the release of the President’s budget blueprint:

"Our Appropriations Committee will take a close look at the budget and supplemental requests we received today. As directed under the Constitution, Congress has the power of the purse. While the President may offer proposals, Congress must review both requests to assure the wise investment of taxpayer dollars.

"Over the next several weeks, our Committee will work quickly to complete the 2017 Appropriations bills, analyze and make decisions on supplemental funding for national and border security, and begin the task of funding the federal government for 2018. 

"I'm optimistic that we can strike a balance that will enable us to fund the federal government responsibly and address emergency needs, while ensuring this legislation will clear the Congress.” 
