
Frelinghuysen: State of the Union Reaction

Frelinghuysen Responds to State of the Union Address:

Urges President to Work with Congress, Not Around it

"The President issued a call for a year of action. I hope this year he finally will decide to work with Congress, instead of around it.

"The President is certainly good at delivering speeches, but so far he hasn’t been very good at working in partnership with Congress to actually accomplish what needs to be done to put America back on track. 

"Unfortunately, the President failed to provide any workable, practical solutions for getting people back to work, reducing the burden of government, and launching our economy onto a sustainable path of real growth. 

"I will be working every day to promote job growth, reduce deficits, and create a stronger, more prosperous America.  I hope that in the months ahead the President will sincerely try to work with the Congress to accomplish these important goals."
