
Frelinghuysen statement on Syria

Statement of

Rep. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (NJ-11)

Vice-Chair, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

Now that the President has decided to ask Congress for authority to strike Syria, I await the debate.

“We’ve seen over one hundred thousand deaths in Syria, millions of Syrian refugees fleeing to neighboring countries and an influx of various terrorist groups, and only now has the President of the United States decided to take military action as the result of the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime. 

“While I am horrified by the deaths of so many innocent men, women and children, I want to know how the President’s strategic plans will change the course of this civil war!  I cannot support any authorization unless and until my questions are answered fully.

“Having just returned from the region, I cannot ignore that a clear lack of Presidential leadership has left our Middle East policies in shambles. This Administration has virtually destroyed a 30-year friendship with Egypt, allowed Iran to continue its march to a nuclear weapons capability, threatened the stability of Jordan and left our best ally in the region, Israel, incredibly vulnerable!”

“My sole interest is in doing what is best for the United States of America.”
