
Statement of Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen on the 17th Anniversary of September 11

"Today, we mark the 17th Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks.   

"On that fateful morning, in less than two hours, we lost 3,000 people, over 700 of them from New Jersey alone and over 100 from the 11thCongressional District.

"I stand with every American to pay tribute to those who perished and the first responders on that tragic day.  

"We must also recognize our police, EMS and fire personnel from many New Jersey towns who responded to the attacks, saving countless lives and who continue to put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe.

"We must also thank the members of our Armed Forces and Intelligence Community, all volunteers, who continue to serve our nation on battlefields across the world and sacrifice so much to protect our nation.

"Today, we recommit ourselves to the notion that we will never forget September 11, 2001."
