
Strong Bipartisan Support for Frelinghuysen's Defense Appropriations Act

Strong Bipartisan Support for Frelinghuysen’s Defense Appropriations Act

House Approves FY 2017 Military Funding bill 282-138

WASHINGTON, D.C. --The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the fiscal year 2017 Defense Appropriations bill. The legislation funds critical national security needs, including military operations, readiness programs and intelligence activities, as well as health and quality-of-life programs for our troops and military families.

“In an increasingly dangerous and rapidly changing world, we must guarantee that our armed forces and intelligence community have the capability to defeat barbaric Islamic terror groups and deter aggressor-nations, like Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea,” said Defense Subcommittee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11). “This bill recognizes the critical need for increased funding for more training, readiness and equipment and provides for military families. And our heightened oversight ensures that every dollar counts.”

The legislation meets the overall defense spending limits set by law for fiscal year 2017, providing $517.1 billion in discretionary funding – an increase of $3 billion above the fiscal year 2016 enacted level and $587 million below the President’s budget request. The bill also provides $58.6 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)/Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) funding – the level allowed under current law. Following the lead of the recently-passed National Defense Authorization Act of 2017, the legislation targets approximately $16 billion of this OCO/GWOT funding to meet readiness, training needs within the base Pentagon budget.

“Over the past several years, our military and intelligence community has largely focused on the dangers posed by Islamic terrorist organizations – al Qaeda, the barbaric ISIS, Al Nusra and others.   They remain a clear and present danger,” said Frelinghuysen.  “But in recent years, new threats have emerged including a more aggressive and more capable Russia, an expansionist China, emboldened states like Iran and rogue nations like North Korea.  At the same time, our readiness levels are alarmingly low for our soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen, our decisive technological edge over our adversaries is eroding and our adversaries’ resolve and capability are only growing.  Our FY 2017 Defense Appropriations bill begins to reverse these trends by providing more fundingfor national security,” he said.

“This bill fulfills the Congress’s primary responsibility – providing for the common defense while respecting the taxpayer by making commonsense budgeting decisions,” Chairman Frelinghuysen said.
