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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA




We are and always have been a nation of immigrants, and our diversity makes us stronger culturally and economically. I believe in keeping our nation and borders safe, but I also believe in uniting families, welcoming refugees, and addressing the challenges faced by over 12 million undocumented immigrants.

Women's Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support women's Issues.
senior citizens smiling


I believe that it is essential to help everyone plan and prepare for retirement. That includes protecting earned benefits, like Social Security, from future cuts.


Learn about my work in Congress to support our Veterans.


Learn about my work in Congress on transportation issues.

National Defense

Learn my views on National Defense.
mirrored-glass skyscraper of a big bank

Financial Services

Learn about my work in Congress on Financial Services issues.
oil rig and sunset


Tackling our nation’s energy crisis will require a broad and comprehensive strategy that includes pursuing all forms of energy including wind, solar, nuclear, biofuels and coal. I will continue to strongly support the development of renewable energy sources that reduce our dependence on foreign oil and create new, innovative green jobs for Hoosiers. Since coming to Congress, I have had an opportunity to vote on a wide range of progressive energy bills that seek to create jobs, increase domestic energy production and protect our environment.


Even as the economy continues to recover, Americans of all backgrounds are still looking for work. I strongly believe that expanding access to quality education is an essential step to improving our nation's long-term economic forecast. As a Member of Congress, I will continue to advocate for equal access to quality education and innovative programs that will prepare our children for college, career, and beyond.

Food and Nutrition

Learn about my work in Congress on food and nutrition issues.
United Nations flags

Foreign Affairs

Learn my views on Foreign Affairs issues.
foreclosure sign in front of a house


Learn about my work in Congress on Housing issues.

Homeland Security

Learn my views on Homeland Security.

Health Care

Health care is important to our district and my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.


While we continue to recover from the Great Recession, we have a long way to go. Unemployment remains high and the cost of health care, food and energy are rising, making it difficult for American families to make ends meet. As your Representative in Congress, I will continue to support initiatives that create jobs, stimulate our economy and provide assistance to those struggling to find work.