40th to 49th Congresses (1867–1887)

March 4, 1867 to March 3, 1887

Congress and
Session   Beginning
House Recesses
1 Mar. 4, 1867 Dec. 1, 1867 4242Mar. 31–Jul. 2, 1867;
Jul. 21–Nov. 20, 1867
 2 Dec. 2, 1867 Nov. 10, 1868 186186Dec. 21, 1867–Jan. 5, 1868;
Jul. 26–Sep. 20, 1868;
Sep. 22–Oct. 15, 1868;
Oct. 17–Nov. 9, 1868
 3 Dec. 7, 1868 Mar. 3, 1869 5858 Dec. 22, 1868–Jan. 4, 1869
1 Mar. 4, 1869 Apr. 10, 1869 2625 
 2 Dec. 6, 1869 Jul. 15, 1870 164164 Dec. 23, 1869–Jan. 9, 1870
 3 Dec. 5, 1870 Mar. 3, 1871 6464 Dec. 23, 1870–Jan. 3, 1871
1 Mar. 4, 1871 Apr. 20, 1871 3333 
 2 Dec. 4, 1871 Jun. 8, 1872 138136 Dec. 22, 1871–Jan. 7, 1872
 3 Dec. 2, 1872 Mar. 3, 1873 6464 Dec. 21, 1872–Jan. 5, 1873
1 Dec. 1, 1873 Jun. 23, 1874 155155 Dec. 20, 1873–Jan. 4, 1874
 2 Dec. 7, 1874 Mar. 3, 1875 5955 Dec. 24, 1874–Jan. 4, 1875
1Dec. 6, 1875 Aug. 15, 1876 183183 Dec. 21, 1875–Jan. 4, 1876
 2 Dec. 4, 1876 Mar. 4, 1877 7348 
1 Oct. 15, 1877  Dec. 3, 1877 3332 
 2 Dec. 3, 1877 Jun. 20, 1878 139138 Dec. 16, 1877–Jan. 10, 1878
 3 Dec. 2, 1878 Mar. 4, 1879 6563 Dec. 21, 1878–Jan. 6, 1879
1 Mar. 18, 1879 Jul. 1, 1879 7979 
 2 Dec. 1, 1879 Jun. 16, 1880 142142 Dec. 20, 1879–Jan. 5, 1880
 3 Dec. 6, 1880 Mar. 4, 1881 6562 Dec. 23, 1880–Jan. 4, 1881
1 Dec. 5, 1881 Aug. 8, 1882 178178 Dec. 22, 1881–Jan. 4, 1882
 2 Dec. 5, 1882 Mar. 4, 1883 7372 
1Dec. 3, 1883 Jul. 7, 1884 158155 Dec. 25, 1883–Jan. 6, 1884
 2 Dec. 1, 1884 Mar. 4, 1885 6764 Dec. 25, 1884–Jan. 4, 1885
1 Dec. 7, 1885 Aug. 5, 1886 181 181 Dec. 22, 1885–Jan. 4, 1886
 2 Dec. 6, 1886 Mar. 3, 1887 65 63 Dec. 23, 1886–Jan. 3, 1887

*Indicates that a special session of the House and/or Senate was convened during a Congress. Article II, Section 3 of the constitution provides that the President "may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them." This procedure occurs only if the Congress is convened by presidential proclamation. Extraordinary sessions have been called by the Chief Executive to urge the Congress to focus on important national issues. These are separate sessions of Congress, unless otherwise noted. Source: Congressional Directory; House Journal.


1The adjournment date is consistently referred to as the last calendar date of the session, regardless of the legislative day.

2"Calendar days" is defined as the total number of calendar days from the convening date to adjournment date that Congress met during that session. “Legislative days” indicates the total days Congress recorded as a working parliamentary day.