
e-News 12/8/17

e-News 12/8/17

  • Keeping the Federal Government Open for Business (Again)
  • Ending Payments to Terrorists’ Families
  • “Hybrid War on the High Seas” is Worth a Read!
  • The Lessons of Pearl Harbor
  • Salute: Naomi Griggs of Picatinny Arsenal


Keeping the Federal Government Open for Business (Again)

By the time you read this, the Congress will have given final approval to legislation I introduced to prevent a government shutdown and preserve vital federal programs that Americans rely on. This is critical to our nation’s stability, our national security, our economic health, and the wellbeing of the American people.

House Joint Resolution 123, or the Continuing Resolution (CR) is a stopgap measure that will extend government funding until December 22, 2017. In absence of this legislation, existing funding would have run out tonight at midnight

As you will recall, the House passed in September all 12 regular appropriations bills developed by my Appropriations Committee to fund the government and prioritize the needs of the American people— including resources to enhance our national defense and support our troops.

But because the Senate failed to do their part, this short-term extension is necessary to provide additional time to determine how best to responsibly fund the government. When the House and Senate leadership reach a deal on overall topline spending levels for the 2018 fiscal year, my committee will work quickly to complete these essential bills.

The CR also ensures that states have access to the necessary resources to continue funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) uninterrupted for the remainder of the year.

Read my floor statement here.

Ending Payments to Terrorists’ Families

With my strong support, the House this week passed legislation designed to pressure the Palestinian Authority to stop rewarding acts of terror against Israelis and Americans.

The Taylor Force Act (H.R. 1164), a measure named after a U.S. veteran killed while visiting Israel in 2016 by a Palestinian in a knife attack. The bill would order the suspension, with a few humanitarian exceptions, of hundreds of millions of dollars in economic assistance Congress annually provides to the Palestinian Authority until its president, Mahmoud Abbas, orders an end to the decades-long practice of making payments to Palestinians imprisoned in Israel for terrorist actions and to the surviving family members of those killed in attacks terror attacks on Israelis.

Since 2003, it has been Palestinian law to reward Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails with a monthly paycheck.  In addition, the families of deceased terrorists receive financial support from the PA which set aside about $344 million in 2017 for payments to the families of so-called “martyrs” and terrorists who are or were in Israeli jails,  These policies clearly incentivize terrorism. With this legislation, we are telling the PA that they can receive our humanitarian assistance or you can continue to pay so-called “martyrs,” but you cannot do both. 

Learn more about H.R. 1164, the Taylor Force Act, here.

Recommended Reading: Colum Hawken’s piece in Thursday’sReal Clear Defense,“Q-Boats and Chaos: Hybrid War on the High Seas” should be a wake up call for America!  It’s worth a read!

The Lessons of Pearl Harbor

The nation marked the 76th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor yesterday and I was gratified that so many organizations took time to remember.  But, unfortunately, we’re seeing a noticeable shift from the large-scale commemoration activities that marked earlier Pearl Harbor Day services.

And, sadly, there will be even fewer Pearl Harbor survivors than in the past as time claims more survivors every year.  

But we cannot – we must not – let their heroism fade from the memories of Americans, especially our young. It is our duty to educate future generations and, as the VFW proclaims, “To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars.”

But I also believe there is another important lesson for us:  Pearl Harbor should remind us all of the high price of unpreparedness.  Peace through strength must be our guiding principle! So we need to get serious about rebuilding the strength of our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Yes, the 76th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was yesterday.  But it’s never too late to learn more about this critical event in America’s history.  Visit the Library of Congress’ resources here.

Salute: To Naomi Griggs, an Army employee, who has been honored with the service’s highest honor for her work at Picatinny Arsenal.  Ms. Griggs serves as the Director of Security for Program Executive Office Ammunition.  She received the Kenneth C. Raymer Memorial Award, an annual award presented to a Foreign Disclosure Officer who best exemplifies the attributes of expertise, professionalism and devotion to duty. Griggs began her civil service career in 2007 and became the PEO Ammo director of security in 2014. Congratulations Naomi! Learn more about here achievement here.

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