
e-News - Thanksgiving edition

Thanksgiving 2017: Remembering Those “Not At the Table”

As we gather with family and friends this week, let us give thanks for those who are not ‘at the table’ for the holidays: the men and women of our Armed Forces, all volunteers, 265,000 of whom are serving abroad in 168 nations, separated from their loved ones at Thanksgiving!

We must never forget that we are a nation at war - in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and hundreds of places around the world where they fight for our safety and freedom each and every day.  And, we still have thousands of soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen on the Korean Peninsula, in Japan, in the Sinai and across the Baltics and Germany.

Yes, the list of challenges facing America grows by the day.  In fact, these trials appear daunting as our country seems to be lurching from crisis to crisis at every turn.  But despite all that we face, we still have the strongest military, a powerful and growing economy and a fundamental strength and character that will serve us well for years to come.

Despite the serious tests ahead, if the attitude of the troops I meet is any indication, America has a bright future.  Those are “giving” men and women who are willing to serve the cause of freedom. 

They, and their families, deserve our thanks each and every day.

“Happy Thanksgiving!”

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