Every year Americans dread the annual exercise of paying taxes, and it can be a major headache for businesses of all sizes as well. I believe our tax code should be focused on simplicity, fairness, and competitiveness. Over the last few decades, our tax code had lagged in all these areas, dragging our economy and making it harder for families to make ends meet.

In 2017 I was proud to support the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, which is the most sweeping tax reform law in the last three decades. It provided tax relief to all Americans through lower personal tax rates, a doubled standard deduction (which over two-thirds of taxpayers take), and an expanded child tax credit. It also provides needed tax relief for businesses to energize our economy and make American companies competitive in the global marketplace.

Like a doctor regularly checks in on his or her patients, Congress must routinely examine our tax code for strengths to reinforce and deficiencies to correct. For something so deeply connected to the health of the economy, it is irresponsible to update our tax code only once in a generation. As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, I will continue to push for updates to the code on a more regular and routine basis, and your feedback on the tax issues that matter most to you is crucial to that goal.