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Washington, D.C. -- Add Washington D.C. to the list of places Riverton youth Celeste Lebeda has experienced.

Lebeda, a 1997 Riverton High School graduate and daughter of Margy and Bob Lebeda, is finishing up a six-week internship with U.S. Senator Mike Enzi in Washington.

"I arrived here June 28 and time has flown by," Lebeda said. "It doesn't seem possible that I've been here that long."

She plans to stay in the D.C. area a while longer attending George Washington University. She hopes her studies there as well as her internship, experiences in student congress and as a Rotary exchange student in Ecuador during the 1994-95 school year will enable her to get a position in the Foreign Service.

"During a student congress meeting in Cody this spring Senator Enzi came and talked to us. He mentioned that he was a George Washington graduate and that he had started out as an international affairs major, which is my major," said Lebeda. "I gave him my name and address and asked for help in getting acquainted with the area. He suggested an internship. I'm glad he did. If I'm to one day represent our country, I have to know about our government and this internship has helped a lot."

The urban environment complete with subways and suburbs has been a different experience for Lebeda, but her view of humanity hasn't changed.

"People are people anywhere. That's what I always say when I'm asked to compare the places I've been. There's good and bad. Sometimes it's scary to walk down the street whether it's in D.C. or Riverton and sometimes when a person you don't know smiles and says hi, it make's your day brighter," she said.

Anyone interested in an Enzi internship should contact his Washington office at 202-224-3424.