Congressman Jim Cooper

Representing the 5th District of Tennessee

Disaster Assistance

Dealing with a Disaster at Home

During a disaster, federal, state and local agencies work together to help communities react and recover.  Please review information on my disaster relief efforts.

Preparing for a Disaster

Before a disaster strikes, work with your family to create a plan. Check out our recommendations to "Build a Kit, Make a Plan and Be Informed."  Just a little preparation and planning can make a big difference if you are ever in a disaster situation. 

Dealing with a Crisis Overseas

If you or your loved one are overseas during a crisis, we can assist in coordinating emergency information with the State Department.   We will send you updates and travel advisories with the latest information.

We recommend that all international travelers register with the Smart Traveller Enrollment Program, STEP, a free program from the Department of State that allows you to register your travel with the nearest embassy and provide any necessary updates directly to you.

If you need emergency passport assistance, visit this website and contact my office.

Flooding in Nashville, May 2010

From Lebanon to Bellevue, downtown Nashville to Antioch and all areas inbetween, the challenges we faced during the flood of 2010 were daunting. But our community worked together and emerged from this disaster stronger and more vibrant than ever.  

Thanks to the dedication of local officials and thousands of volunteers, we had the best community response ever to any disaster. We should also examine what could have been done differently in the days and weeks prior to the flooding.

We will continue to work with local and state officials and other community agencies to learn from our recovery efforts and prepare for future disasters. 

Federal Assistance Available

Disaster Relief Tax Cut: You may be able to claim a deduction for much of the damage to your home or business for losses not covered by your insurance, FEMA or an SBA loan. Click here to read my op-ed for more details.   

Assistance is available for homeowners, renters and businesses through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA).

To see other counties in Tennessee who qualified for FEMA assistance, view FEMA's Disaster Declaration Map for Tennessee.  For links to other helpful information from FEMA, click here.

CAUTION: **Please note that a FEMA official will not ask for your Social Security number except on your initial call to them. For more information on Flood Disaster related scam, please click here.**

Information for Flood Victims

Please use the links below to navigate:

Resources for Homeowners

   - Provides information and guidelines to those who have suffered home damage.

Resources for Business Disaster Recovery

   - Includes state, community, and federal resources. Provides information on Small Business Administration disaster loans, insurance contact information, and guidelines for how to rebuild your small business.

Community Resources

   - Provides information on health care, appliance repair, legal clinics and shelters.

Volunteer Efforts

   - See where you can go to help.