Bennet, Blunt Aim to Improve Nation's Infrastructure with Innovative Financing Proposal

Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill Creates Infrastructure Bank Using Public-Private Partnership Model

The Partnership to Build America Act establishes a $50 billion infrastructure fund that can potentially support hundreds of billions in loan guarantees and financing authority for state and local governments. The fund would finance transportation, energy, communications, water, and education infrastructure projects across the country.

Bennet, Crapo, Udall, Risch Lead Fight to Include PILT Funding in Farm Bill

Bipartisan Coalition Signs Letter to Conference Committee Fighting for Crucial Funding for Colorado Counties

Today, U.S. Senators Michael Bennet, Mike Crapo, Mark Udall, and Jim Risch are sending a bipartisan letter signed by a coalition of senators to the leadership of the Farm Bill conference committee requesting that funding for the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program be included in the final Farm Bill conference report. PILT prov...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet joined Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Hoeven (R-ND), and 11 other senators to introduce a bipartisan bill that protects a driver’s personal privacy by making it clear that the owner of a vehicle is also the owner of any information collected by an Event Data Recorder (EDR). An EDR h...

Following Bennet, Udall Pressure, Federal Railroad Administration Helps Commerce City Implement Train-Noise Quiet Zone

Decision Ensures Commerce City Can Move Forward on Adams County's Fifth Quiet Zone, Maintain Public Safety at Crossings

U.S. Senators Michael Benent and Mark Udall welcomed today the Federal Railroad Administration's decision to make a sensible improvement to their train horn rules that will allow Commerce City to finalize a new quiet zone at the 96th Avenue rail crossing. Bennet and Udall pressed the agency in September 2013 to quickly consider and...

Treasury Department Clarifies Treatment of Volunteer First Responders in Health Care Law

Bennet Cosponsored Bill to Clarify Status, Allow Localities to Retain Volunteer First Responders

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet welcomed today’s news from the Treasury Department that it will issue proposed regulations along with the Internal Revenue Service that clarifies how volunteer firefighters and first responders are defined in the new health care law. The proposal will make it clear that volunteer emergency...

Bennet Welcomes Bipartisan Bill to Boost U.S. Exports, Create Jobs

Senate, House Leaders Introduce Bill to Deliver Job-Creating Trade Agreements

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement on the introduction of a bipartisan, bicameral bill that will establish strong rules for trade negotiations and Congressional approval of trade pacts, to deliver trade agreements that boost U.S. exports, and create American jobs. The bill was introduced today by ...

Bennet, Udall, Perlmutter Welcome Release of $110 Million from DOT for Flood Recovery Efforts

Funds Are Part of $450 Million Senators, Congressman Secured for Road and Highway Repair

U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and Mark Udall and Congressman Ed Perlmutter welcomed the U.S. Department of Transportation's decision today to award the Colorado Department of Transportation $110 million to repair roads and highways damaged by the recent floods. The new infusion of flood recovery money is part of the $450 million in ...