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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama

Votes and Legislation

One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New legislation is passed almost every week. Please contact our office to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community.

Learn more about legislation sponsored and co-sponsored by Congressman Brooks.

In addition, constituents can view the U.S. House of Representatives' latest votes on Capitol Hill and learn how to read the roll call information.

Recent Votes

Date Roll Call Bill Vote Title
12/21/2018 497 H.R.7388 Nay On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass: National Flood Insurance Program Competition and Extension Act of 2018
12/21/2018 496 S.3456 Yea On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass: To redesignate Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge as the Nathaniel P. Reed Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge, and for other purposes
12/21/2018 495 H.R.6287 Yea On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate Amendment: 9/11 Memorial Act
12/21/2018 494 S.1934 Nay On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass: Alaska Remote Generator Reliability and Protection Act