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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama

Budget and Debt

America’s growing debt is one of the most pressing issues facing our nation. How we respond to America’s growing annual deficits and accumulated debt, appropriations bills to fund the government, the debt ceiling, and how these issues interplay will significantly impact America’s future. The process of reducing debt is not one that can happen overnight, but Washington must wake up and begin addressing this issue immediately.

From day one in office, Congressman Brooks has fought to preserve the long-term financial health of our nation. Brooks has repeatedly called on Congress to cut spending in a major way, and has consistently supported financially responsible, non-defense, spending cuts with his votes. This Congress, Brooks introduced H.R. 3835, Protecting America's Solvency Act, which would only allow for the debt limit of the United States to be raised if Congress passes a Balanced Budget Amendment.

For more information concerning Budget/National Debt issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.


News Releases

December 20, 2018 News Releases

Washington, DC— Thursday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted “Yes” on the House Amendment to H.R. 695 that provides $5.7 billion in border wall funding and avoids a presidential veto and government shutdown. The House passed wall funding on a 217 “aye” to 185 “nay” vote, thus sending H.R. 695 to the Senate. Republicans supported wall funding and border security by a 217 to 8 margin. All 178 Democrats voted against wall funding and border security. No Democrat voted “aye.”

June 8, 2018 News Releases

Washington, DC— Thursday evening, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted “Yes” on H.R. 3, the Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act, which passed the House on a narrow 210-206 vote. H.R. 3 cuts $15 billion in non-defense, previously appropriated but unspent funding— the largest spending rescission in history.

April 12, 2018 News Releases

Washington, DC— On Thursday, shortly after Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) delivered an impassioned, 6+ minute House floor speech about America’s debt threat, Democrats killed a proposed Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment on a 233 “Aye” to 184 “No” vote that failed to clear the two-thirds majority needed to pass a constitutional amendment. Ninety-seven percent of House Republicans supported Balanced Budget Amendment (by a 226 “Aye” to 6 “No” margin). In contrast, 96% of House Democrats voted against the Balanced Budget Amendment (by a 7 “Aye” to 178 “No” margin).

April 12, 2018 News Releases

Washington, DC— Today, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) issued the following statement after Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford testified before the House Armed Services Committee:

Congressman Brooks stated, “Our highest ranking military officials today again warned Congress that America’s exploding deficits and accumulated debt pose a grave national security threat to our country. Washington politicians must heed their warnings before it is too late. America’s future depends on it.”

February 14, 2018 News Releases

Washington, DC – This morning, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) delivered a House floor speech asking his colleagues to consider the cost to America’s financial stability that will accompany any amnesty for illegal aliens, while also urging the executive branch to enforce the immigration laws on the books.

The video clip is available HERE.

The transcript of the five-minute floor speech follows:

In the News

October 18, 2018 In the News
U.S. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, issued a warning about the potential for a “Debilitating National Insolvency and bankruptcy that robs America of the prosperity and peace we have long enjoyed” following the release of the Treasury Department’s preliminary Fiscal Year 2018 deficit projection of $779 billion and the Comptroller General’s statement that America’s fiscal path is “unsustainable.”
July 12, 2018 In the News
Wednesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) announced his support for President Donald J Trump’s (R) efforts to have North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies contribute more to Europe’s defense. Brooks says that the U.S. pays more of its domestic product than any other NATO nation.
June 11, 2018 In the News
Thursday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act on a narrow 210-206 vote.
April 13, 2018 In the News
Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) issued the following statement after Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford testified before the House Armed Services Committee:
March 22, 2018 In the News

For far too long, Congress has relied on short term, stop-gap funding bills to keep the federal government open and running—and have done so when up against holidays and midnight deadlines. Take the most recent continuous resolution: last month, as a member of the House of Representatives, I voted around 5:30 AM on a Friday morning against a massive spending bill that raises America’s deficit next year to about $1 trillion.