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Government-Wide Funding Legislation Approved by the House

Washington, September 14, 2017

The House of Representatives today passed a package of funding bills (H.R. 3354) to provide all discretionary funding for the federal government for the 2018 fiscal year. The bill, also known as the Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, was passed on a vote of 211-198.

The package of bills contains the full legislation and funding for all of the 12 annual Appropriations bills, and totals $1.2 trillion, including $87 billion in funding for Global War on Terror (GWOT)/Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). This legislation funds critical federal programs such as our national defense, invests in proven and effective government activities, and helps reduce unnecessary and wasteful spending.

Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen made the following statement on the legislation:

“The legislation approved by the House today funds important domestic and international programs that keep our people safe, that help our economy grow and thrive, that protect us from terrorists and those who want to do us harm, and that preserve America’s top role across the globe – both militarily and diplomatically.

“These investments are made responsibly. In each of the bills within this package, we have found savings, gotten rid of waste, fraud and duplication, and increased oversight to ensure that no taxpayer dollar is misspent.

“But we still have more work to do. This is the next step in the process, but it is not the end. Funding these important federal responsibilities and keeping the government open is our constitutional duty to the people we serve, and I look forward to the final completion of all these critical bills.”

Bill Information:

For a detailed summaries, please visit:

Agriculture Appropriations Bill 

Commerce/Justice/Science Appropriations Bill

Department of Defense Appropriations Bill

Energy and Water Appropriations Bill

 Financial Services Appropriations Bill

Homeland Security Appropriations Bill

Interior/Environment Appropriations Bill

Labor/Health and Human Services/Education Appropriations Bill

Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill

Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill

State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill

Transportation/Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill

For the text of the legislation and the bill reports, please visit:



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