Rep. Henry CuellarПодлинная учетная запись


Serving the 28th District of Texas in U.S. House of Representatives

Laredo, Texas / Washington DC
Дата регистрации: ноябрь 2010 г.


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  1. 25 дек.
  2. 24 дек.

    Republicans control the White House, the Senate, and the House but they can’t get their act together to pass a budget to keep the working for the people. They have the power to end this dysfunction.

  3. 20 дек.

    I released the following , which provides a comprehensive overview of current border barriers. Read the document here:

  4. 19 дек.

    Students may be eligible for a closed school loan discharge based on their attendance at Brightwood College on or after August 9, 2018. Click the following link for more info and to see if you qualify:

  5. 18 дек.

    We cannot afford a senseless . As I have indicated to President Trump in the past, what we need is effective . Watch me discuss alternatives to a with and read more of my statement here: .

  6. 14 дек.

    It is a great honor to be named Chief Deputy Whip by House Majority Whip-Elect for the 116th Congress. I promise to work in a manner and the people. Read my full statement here:

  7. 14 дек.

    Today, I announced $84,000 in federal funding for to purchase a new public from that will improve transit operations in rural areas, increasing public transportation for disabled and elderly individuals. Read more here:

  8. 12 дек.

    Today, I voted in support of the . The bill will extend all agriculture and nutrition programs for the next five years, that includes support for and in and across the country. Read more here:

  9. 12 дек.

    Yesterday, I met with officials from to discuss reauthorizing CFATS to ensure that hazardous chemicals stay out of the hands of dangerous people.

  10. 12 дек.

    Yesterday, I met with representatives from , an organization that promotes . I look forward to working with them to improve the economies of both the and .

  11. 6 дек.

    Last night, the barbed wire in finally came down. This is a welcomed change, and I am encouraged to see that a resolution to this matter has been agreed upon. Read my full statement here:

  12. 1 дек.

    We remember President George H.W. Bush and the incredible legacy that he leaves behind. His unyielding leadership and commitment and servitude to his family, and to our country will be matched by none. My heartfelt condolences go to the Bush family during this difficult time.

  13. 28 нояб.

    I worked with to pass the - Economic Partnership Act, a bipartisan bill that will bolster professional development and economic growth. The US & MX relationship runs deep through , and .

  14. 27 нояб.

    Today, I met with Ellyn Perrone, the Senior Assoc. VP for & to discuss relief for and the energy and business potential of in South Texas.

  15. 22 нояб.

    Wishing you and your families a safe and ! ¡Les deseo un feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!

  16. 21 нояб.

    are a vital component to our . That is why I included language in FY19 Approps bills addressing military pilot shortages in military bases across the nation and in . Read more here:

  17. 20 нояб.

    Today, and I, along with the Laredo community, recognized Judge George P. Kazen for his commitment to the justice system & his service to our country, as we officially announced the renaming of the George P. Kazen Federal Building & United States Courthouse in Laredo.

  18. 20 нояб.

    Today, I visited the La Salle County Fire Rescue Dept. w/ and to announce $1.6 mil to increase staffing. This funding will have a significant impact on our community and help keep our residents protected from fire-related emergencies.

  19. 15 нояб.

    I support the end of our current mission along the border to end by December 15th, so that may return home for the holiday season. Read more here:

  20. ретвитнул(а)
    15 нояб.

    Today shared his thoughts w/ on , , issues, and his $500M plan to fund migrant & farmworker education. LISTEN:


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