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Congressman John Duncan

Representing the 2nd District of Tennessee




Very little of what we now call the Farm Bill goes to small farmers.
Congressional Retirement

Congressional Retirement

Apparently it has been claimed that all Members of Congress are entitled to their salaries for life after serving just one year in Congress.This is completely false.


Both sides of the aisle are afraid to criticize the Pentagon or vote against any defense spending, no matter how high, for fear of appearing to be unpatriotic.


This Nation could be booming right now if we would allow it to do so.


Colleges and universities have been overcharging students and taxpayers for decades.


Our economy could and should be booming today and would be were it not for government regulators and environmental radicals.


Our economy could and should be booming today and would be were it not for government regulators and environmental radicals.
Foreign Affairs and Foreign Aid

Foreign Affairs and Foreign Aid

People who favor foreign aid will always say that it is only about one percent of our budget. This is very misleading.
Gun Rights

Gun Rights

The heartbreaking tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut touched almost everyone in a deeply moving and personal way and ignited a heated debate over gun control in this Country.
Health Care

Health Care

President Reagan frequently said that government is not the solution, government is the problem. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the cost of medical care.
Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Despite the fact that you are hundreds of times more likely to be killed in a car wreck or even struck by lightning than killed by an act of terrorism, we keep increasing spending on homeland security far beyond any sensible levels.


All the financial bailouts came about primarily because the federal government got directly and indirectly into the mortgage business.


We do not need an increase in immigration. We need to enforce our laws and secure our borders.


I am a proud Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, where I devote my time to searching out waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government.
Postal Reform

Postal Reform

Liberal elitists for years have sold us a bill of goods saying take the politics out of this or that. They have just about succeeded, and the people have lost most of their control over their own government.
Regulations and Jobs

Regulations and Jobs

The rapid explosion of rules, regulations and red tape that has taken place over the last several years has become a serious problem for our country.
Social Security

Social Security

Approximately 40% of Americans over the age of 65 receive more than 90% of their income from Social Security. For 26% of those over 65, Social Security is their only income.


Almost everyone, except perhaps those on the far left, realizes that federal spending needs to be cut. However, just about everyone wants everything else to be cut but not their programs.


We have the most confusing, complicated, convoluted tax system. It has so many thousands of pages of fine print that no human being can really understand or know it all.


Every country is chomping at the bit to get into our markets, and we have tremendous leverage on trade that we simply have not used.


The rapid explosion of rules, regulations and red tape that has taken place over the last several years has become a serious problem for our country's infrastructure.


Every year I get calls and letters from Veterans who think the V.A. has been cut. This has never happened, and in fact, we usually give the biggest percentage increases to the V.A.