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Ami Bera, M.D.
Proudly representing Sacramento County, California in the U.S. House of Representatives
Ami Bera, M.D. 22h
Winter officially begins today! Wishing everyone a great season!
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 20
The Montgomery bus boycott ended 62 years ago today, a significant milestone in the struggle for equal rights. We must never give up the struggle for a more perfect union.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 19
As we reflect back on this year, I’m grateful my staff and I were able to help make a positive impact in the lives of Sacramento County families. It’s an incredible honor to serve you in Congress.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 18
Remember – if you don’t have health insurance through your job, you can still sign up on Covered California until January 15th! It’s the only place where you can claim federal financial help that may lower your premiums or out of pocket costs:
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 14
Six years ago, we lost 26 children and staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. In their memory, we must renew the fight for commonsense gun laws to keep our communities safe.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 10
Our children deserve to be taught the skills they need to be successful, not just how to take tests. That’s why I voted for the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act that became law three years ago today – replacing the one size fits all No Child Left Behind Act.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 9
Don’t forget! My office is hosting a tax workshop on Thursday to help local businesses navigate the new federal tax law. Get answers to your questions, connect with federal agency representatives, and much more. RSVP:
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 7
Today we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor, which began America's involvement in World War II. Thank you to our World War II veterans and all who have served our country.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 6
My office is hosting a tax help workshop to help individuals and businesses navigate the new federal tax law. My office is always here to help our businesses grow and hire – please click to learn more and RSPV now!
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 5
President George H.W. Bush was an American hero who served our country in many, many ways. Today, I joined my congressional colleagues and the Bush family to mourn and pay our respects.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Dec 1
I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of former President George H.W. Bush. He served our country with distinction and grace. My thoughts are with the entire Bush family today.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 29
After such a tragedy, I’m heartened to see Sacramento County come together and help our fellow Californians. Thank you to all who continue to help with the recovery efforts.
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 26
Congratulations to for the successful InSight landing! As Ranking Member on the Space Subcommittee, I’m thrilled America is continuing to explore Mars and our solar system!
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 24
It’s Small Business Saturday! Remember to support small businesses and shop locally!
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 23
Staying in touch is a core part of my job. Join my email updates for the latest news and local events to help you and your family:
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 22
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 20
I’m heartbroken by the wildfires raging through our state. My website has resources that may be able to help you or someone you know. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may need it:
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 19
I’m heartbroken by the wildfires raging through our state. Please see my website for more information on resources that can help:
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 17
Thanks to everyone who attended my office’s tax workshop! My office is here to help you however we can!
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Ami Bera, M.D. Nov 16
As a doctor, I’m very concerned about the ongoing poor air quality in our region. Please take care and limit your outdoor activity when possible.
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