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2018 Wisconsin Flooding Resources

State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services Flood Hazards and Recovery Information: General Flooding Information from FEMA:
  • If you’re facing a life threatening situation, dial 9-1-1 or your local emergency response number.

  • Do not walk or drive through flowing water. Six inches of moving water can stall your vehicle. Stay indoors and limit travel to only absolutely necessary trips.

  • Ensure you have a flashlight, NOAA Weather Radio and extra batteries on hand. Use your battery-operated NOAA Weather Radio for updates from local officials.

  • Residents whose homes are flooded/flooding should:

    • Check for structural damage before re-entering your home. Contact the appropriate professionals immediately if you suspect damage to water, gas, electric, and sewer lines;

    • Document damages and keep track of expenses incurred;

    • Contact their insurance company to report damage/file a claim;

    • Prevent mold and remove wet contents immediately. Wet carpeting, furniture, bedding, and any other items holding moisture or water inside the building can develop mold within 24 to 48 hours.

  • Flooding will continue to be a risk in the Midwest, so it’s important to take steps now to prepare your home from costly flood damage:

    • Contact your insurance agent and verify that your home is financially covered.

    • If you haven’t already done so, consider purchasing flood insurance as a way to financially protect your home and its contents.

    • Flooding is not typically covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy and a policy takes 30 days from application and payment to go into effect.

    • Talk to you insurance agent or visit www.FEMA.gov to learn about your coverage options.

Emergency Management News and Resources from the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs:
  • Please visit: https://dma.wi.gov/DMA/wem to review updates on State of Wisconsin incident reports and emergency declarations as they pertain to the recent flooding throughout Wisconsin.