After years of struggling to get ahead, the American people are seeing jobs, opportunity, and confidence come roaring back.  

Two years ago, House Republicans laid out a bold policy agenda called A Better Way to tackle some of the biggest challenges of the day.

Republicans are delivering on our promises. As a result, America is stronger at home and abroad, with a booming economy, safer communities, and a revived military.

After historic tax reform, unemployment is at historic lows, job openings are at record highs, paychecks are growing, and wages are rising, right along with economic optimism.

We have made significant investments to combat the opioid crisis, end human trafficking, target dangerous criminals, and make schools safer.

We have launched a historic rebuilding of our military, raised pay for our troops, and reformed the VA to provide better care to our veterans.

More work remains, but this economy is soaring, and Republican policies are helping to improve people’s lives and making it easier for families to get ahead, with a renewed sense of confidence for the future.

The American people are better off now

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