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Search Results Detail for 'Choekyi'
Personal Details
CECC Record Number: 2015-00279   Ethnic Group: Tibetan
Detention Status: DET   Sex: M
Issue Category: eth/rel/spch/assoc   Age at Detention: 38
Main Name: Choekyi   Religion: Tibetan Buddhist
Chinese Characters (Main Name): 曲吉(音) Occupation: monk (Buddhist)
Alternate Name (Lay or Pen):   Affiliation: Phugu Mon.
Additional Name(s): Chokye   Residence Province: Sichuan Province
Pinyin Name: Quji   Residence Prefecture: Ganzi [Kardze] Tibetan Auto. Pref.
  Residence County: Seda [Serthar] Cty.
Imprisonment or Detention Details
Date of Detention: 2015/06/19
Current Prison: Mianyang Prison
Sentence Length (Years): 4
Sentence Length (Months):
Sentence Length (Weeks):
Sentence Length (Days):
Province Where Imprisoned (or Detained): Sichuan Province
Prefecture Where Imprisoned (or Detained): Mianyang Shi (pref.)
County Where Imprisoned (or Detained): Fucheng Dist.
Legal Process
Legal Process: chg?/tri?/sent   Formal Arrest Date:
Trial Court:   Trial Date:
Sentence Court:   Sentence Date:
Appeal Court:   Appeal Date:
Appeal Ruling Court:   Appeal Ruling Date:
Charge (Statute):   Sent. Ends Per PRC:
  Actual Date Released:
Short Summary
Based on July 27, 2015, RFA reports (English, Tibetan) and a July 27 Phayul report citing Voice of Tibet, on June 19, 2015, public security officials detained 38-year-old monk Choekyi (RFA: “Chokye”) of Phugu Monastery (Phayul: “Phurbu” Monastery) as he shopped with his father in Niduo (Nyitoe) township, Seda (Serthar) county, Ganzi (Kardze) county, Sichuan province. Phayul reported that Choekyi wore a T-shirt with a Tibetan-language message on the back meaning “Celebrating [the Dalai Lama’s] 80th Birthday,” and implied that the message may have been the basis for Choekyi’s detention. Phayul reported that police took Choekyi to the Seda county seat and held him there. On June 20, security officials reportedly detained Choekyi’s sister, Kyizom, and her son, Dragpa for an unknown reason and allegedly beat them in custody before releasing them after 15 days. Police allegedly ordered Dragpa to report to a police station for daily questioning. RFA (27 December 17) reported that an unknown court had sentenced Choekyi to a 4-year prison sentence, served at Mianyang Prison in Fucheng district, Mianyang municipality, Sichuan. Prior to detention, Choekyi reportedly sought treatment for "liver and stomach ailments"; he reportedly suffered from serious kidney problems and jaundice in prison.