Congressman Leonard Lance

Representing the 7th District of New Jersey

Economy and Tax Relief

More on Economy and Tax Relief

Feb 27, 2009 Press Release

WASHINGTON — Members of the New Jersey Congressional delegation, led by Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-7), today called on Governor Jon Corzine and the New Jersey Legislature to establish an independent, bipartisan oversight board to monitor and account for all federal stimulus funding committed to the Garden State.

Additionally, the lawmakers called for the creation of a state website accounting for every stimulus dollar spent with an estimation of the number of jobs created or retained as a direct result of the federal stimulus dollars.

Feb 25, 2009 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC -- Late last night, the House Rules Committee rejected by a party-line vote efforts by House GOP moderates led by Leonard Lance (NJ), Charlie Dent (PA) and Michael N. Castle (DE) to trim the fiscal year 2009 Omnibus appropriations bill.

The group of moderate lawmakers unsuccessfully sought permission to offer an amendment to the $410 billion omnibus measure that would limit the spending increases in the bill to the rate of inflation, or 3.8 percent. As currently drafted, the massive spending bill provides an 8 percent spending increase.

Jan 28, 2009 Press Release
WASHINGTON – Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07) yesterday met with President Barack Obama to review the economic stimulus package currently before the Congress.
Jan 8, 2009 Press Release
WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-7) today announced that he has been appointed to the powerful House Financial Services Committee.
