Congressman Leonard Lance

Representing the 7th District of New Jersey

Lance Statement on the State of the Union Address

Jan 30, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) tonight released the following statement after the President delivered the State of the Union Address:

“Tonight I attended the State of the Union and listened with the American people as the President outlined his agenda for the coming year.  There is room for bipartisan cooperation on many issues, such as job creation, and I stand ready to work together across the aisle to achieve shared goals.  One goal must be reducing our national deficit, yet President Obama made scant mention of our more than $17 trillion debt. 

“In areas of disagreement, I hope the President will work with Congress, rather than around it, to advance public policy.  Unfortunately, the President’s remarks focused more on how to circumvent Congress instead of working with both parties to enact pro-growth proposals.

“The President directed a good deal of his attention tonight to health care.  I remain in favor of replacement of the President’s health care law and I believe many reforms will gain traction due to pressure from public opinion. I urge the President to consider the measures that have bipartisan support including allowing consumers to keep the plans and the doctors they know and like, repealing the onerous medical device tax, easing requirements on small business employers and eliminating any chance of a taxpayer funded bailout of the private insurance market.

“I want to work with the Administration to address the issue of the cost of higher education.  I was pleased the President agreed with Republicans in Congress that business taxes need to be lowered.  We must work together to help the private sector create the jobs America so desperately needs.  The labor participation rate in this country in unacceptably low.

“Finally, I thought the President’s strongest moment had nothing to do with his agenda or with public policy. It was about a hero; Sgt. First Class Cory Remsburg.  Both parties must work together to ensure our wounded warriors have the care and compassion they have earned and deserve."