Earlier today, I voted in favor of H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act. The measure passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 289-137. It would temporarily suspend the program allowing Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the United States until an adequate screening program is in place to certify each individual does not pose a national security risk. Click the video below to watch my address on this issue to the House of Representatives.
Yesterday the House passed—with overwhelming bipartisan support—the Iran Nuclear Agreement Act, which will allow Congress to review any agreement struck by the Obama Administration on Iran's nuclear program. As the world's leading sponsor of terrorism, it is critically important for Congress to have oversight on any type of #IranDeal.
ICYMI: This month I introduced a bipartisan resolution to ensure that nations who we negotiate trade deals with, are active in the recovery efforts of our POW/MIA's. The resolution already has 41 co-sponsors.

Penny and I are at the National Cathedral this morning to pay our respects to our 41st President George H.W. Bush.

I had the privilege of meeting him in 2004 when he visited Penn State. He was exactly as people described him: kind, humble, and full of grace.

On this national day of mourning, we reflect on a life well-lived and an ultimate devotion to family and country.


We pray for the President’s family and loved ones and look toward his example of true statesmanship, so that it may serve as an inspiration for us all.

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Proud to be at the White House today as the President signed the #2018FarmBill.

We were able to make significant reforms to a number of programs, notably the safety net for dairy. Our dairy farmers have continued to face difficult times over the past decade and we look for the law to provide some much-needed stability to the sector.

Overall, this is a huge win for producers, rural communities, and American consumers.

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, suit